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Will Hillary Finally Get Her Comeuppance?

    Newsflash--Hillary Clinton is a corrupt Washington politician!  Wait...we already knew that.  This week's revelation of serendipitous emails being uncovered has yet to tell us anything new.  None of these emails, if we're being perfectly honest, has told us anything that wasn't already suspected by honest people in the know.  This latest trove has simply made it more difficult for people to cover the Clinton tracks any longer.  The question is, then, whether or not it is finally enough.  Have her skeletons finally caught up to her?  Has she tempted fate too long?  Has technology finally trumped the corrupt politician?

    So I ask, Will Hillary finally get her comeuppance?  Will the manipulative elitist finally come back down to Earth?  Will the Clintons finally be forced to play by the rules?  Will Hillary Clinton finally pay the type of penalty we plebeians would pay if we had committed her crimes?  Will the house of cards finally come down?  Will any cliche satisfy the frustration we "normal people" experience?


    Call me a cynic, but I refuse to believe that Hillary Rodham Clinton, former First Lady of the United States, Senator of New York, and Secretary of State, will ever truly be brought to justice.  She will never know what it means to suffer the consequences for the heinous crimes that she has committed against this country and against humanity.  She will never get her comeuppance.

    You know why?  She's an insider.  Above all, that was what struck me about all of this.  The "Weiner" thing seems coincidental, but it's not.  It's the way Washington works.  It's not what you know, and even less what you believe, that gets you ahead.  It's 110% whom you know that advances your career in American Federal politics.  When I first read about the source of these new emails, I was confused.  How does Anthony Weiner (the most appropriately named human being since our Lord Himself) play into all this?  Wait, he's married to whom?  She works for whom and is related to whom?  Say what?  Yeah, that's the kind of stuff that was swimming in my brain.  It lasted only momentarily, however, as I remembered once again that everyone in Washington has connections to everyone in Washington.  The Bushs, the Kennedies, the Clintons, and the [fill in the blank]s are all interwoven in a web of lies, favors, and back scratchings.  It's like a political novel or film, only worse.  Hillary won't go down because that would bring them all down, and that will simply never happen.  The only people will the power, money, and influence to do so are similarly connected.

    As a brief aside, this is why I'm convinced Trump will effect no significant amount of change.  He is connected to all of the same people.  If he weren't, he would have never garnered the nomination. Ron Paul, anyone?  Ron Paul's campaign never gained any steam because he isn't connected to all the people who make the decisions in back rooms over cigars and stiff drinks.  Trump is.

    Anyway, where we were?  Oh yeah, equality is for plebes.  Hillary isn't a plebe.  Therefore, she will never be treated fairly.  You read that correctly.  Hillary Clinton will never get a fair day in court. She is a "special" interest player.  She is above "fair"!  If I'm bursting your bubble, I'm sorry.  That's just the way American and international politics work and have worked for the history of the world. Hence the French and American revolutions.

    Let's be frank here.  The worst case scenario for America is that this, too, is swept under the rug and that she goes on to be the President of the United States of America, formally making this the stupidest country in the history of the world and the laughing stock of industrialized nations.  I hope and pray we're past that, however.  Too much has been uncovered.  Still, the best case scenario only sees her ushered ignominiously into a corner, hushed up and hidden from sight.  Is that enough?  Will that satisfy the craving for equality that swells in the working man's breast?  It probably won't, but it will have to do.  It would be some kind of relief.  It would restore some semblance of faith in the system.  It would demonstrate that maybe, just maybe, there are some limits to the depravity and corruption in Washington.      


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