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No, Trump's Election is Not the Triumph of Evil over Good...

Boy, has it been a week!  If you involve yourself in the world of Facebook or other social media outlets, you have been unable to escape the onslaught of liberal whining and conservative retorting. They're is no shortage of ignorance on either side, I assure you.  Democrats have particularly been lamenting what they think this means for our country, sometimes reaching levels that could rightfully classified as hysteric and depressed.  They're saying that hate has triumphed over love and bigotry over inclusion.  Evil, they assert, has triumphed over good.

Is that really what happened here?  Did a bunch of racists choose Trump because they're racists and he's a racist and they all want racism institutionalized in America again?  Maybe they're homophobic?  Now, there are probably a few rednecks out there that voted that way, but that's not what cost Hillary Clinton the election.  Here's what really happened:

The mediocre triumphed over the inestimably bad.

The greedy was victorious over the demonstrably corrupt.

The adulterer prevailed over the co-conspiring wife of the adulterer.

The businessman bulldozed the politician.

The probably going to ruin our country beat the definitely going to ruin our country.

The maverick defeated the career politician.

The out-of-touch billionaire destroyed the out-of-touch millionaire.

The unpredictable unseated the familiar.

The loose cannon shot down the scripted Washington voice.

The new overcame the establishment.

The reality TV star knocked off the former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State.

The "anybody else" bested the Clinton.

Let's be honest with each other for a second.  Hillary Clinton was her own undoing.  She simply could not overcome her well-earned reputation as liar and a crook.  People who hadn't voted in years put on their pants and left the house just to make sure she didn't get in the Oval Office.  Her scandals made Trump's scandals look mundane.  Her disingenuous smile and her condescending glare removed any trust or affection the working man might have had for her.  Her party didn't help themselves any either.  The Democrats' manipulation of the primaries came back to bite them in their proverbial hind end as they put forth the only candidate that had more baggage than Donald Trump.

So this is not about progress or love or inclusion.  This is about a woman who has been embroiled in scandal for three decades, the recent emails being just the latest confirmation of who she had already proven to be.  Americans simply could not stand to put her in the White House.  That's the score of it, folks.  Don't try to make it any more complex than it is.  


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