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YOLO and an Age of Hedonism

    I'm happy to say that the term "YOLO" is used far less frequently now than it was a few years ago. Unfortunately the spirit of YOLO lives on, and, as it is an attitude that has been around for millennia, I doubt it will ever truly be extinguished.  For those of you who don't know, YOLO means "You Only Live Once."  In those simple two syllables is captured an entire mindset--a worldview, if you will. YOLO communicates the belief that life is short and unpredictable, so you might as well do whatever the heck you want while you're here.  We're all worm food after we die, right?  Why conform to social norms and pointless responsibilities when you can do drugs, have sex, and stay out till sunrise? If we're all just animals, then why not act like it?  The American Dream and its work ethic have been replaced by hedonism and fatalism.

    This type of thinking has permeated our culture in this irreligious, post-modern age.  Our culture, especially the entertainment industry, perpetuates this attitude zealously.  This attitude has particularly infected the millennial generation.  Things like keeping a job and paying your bills seem old-fashioned and narrow-minded to a generation that wants to fill every moment of every day with entertainment and pleasure.  It's sort of ironic, actually.  The older generations, the ones that complain so much about the millennials, are the ones that have provided the ideological foundation for it.  They have taught their children that religion is optional (at best), morality is flexible, and truth is relative. Millennials, in turn, have asked, "What's the point?" What's the point of doing the right thing if it doesn't really matter?  What's the point of being responsible if nothing lies beyond the grave? Millennials are being consistent.  Why work if nothing really matters?  Why not eat, drink, and be merry?  Additionally,  past generations have idolized wealth as an end to itself.  Millennials have largely found wealth empty and shallow.  Millennials would rather ride tandem bikes and plant herb gardens than work 9-to-5 jobs and live in middle-class condos.

    How empty the "YOLO" lifestyle is!  I reject it for two reasons.  Firstly, I believe in right and wrong. I believe that we are not simply animals, but sentient, moral creatures created by God to serve Him.  I believe in the afterlife.  If you only live once, you'll die twice (Revelation 20:14).  These two worldviews are inherently at odds.  Unfortunately the Church has largely imbibed this "YOLO" attitude nonetheless.

    Secondly, I reject this existence because I find it to be severely lacking.  Don't get me wrong--I like to have fun, but if I only have one life to live, why would I want to spent it hungover?  If my years on this Earth are all that I have, I would rather extend them and use them productively.  I'd rather spend what precious time I have learning about the world, helping others, and maintaining my health than developing cirrhosis and burning bridges.  I would rather be creative and expand my horizons than live a life of self-destruction.  Is it really enjoyable to harm your body?  Is it really satisfying to abandon family and alienate friends?  Are addictions and STDs really that cool?  I don't think so.  Instead of encouraging carefree carelessness, YOLO should motivate us to live careful, intentional lives.  Even from a non-religious perspective, that would be a much "fuller" life than dying alone with a bottle in one hand and a needle in your arm.

    Ultimately, it is both a fear of judgment and a longing for communion with my Creator that guide my life choices.  There is meaning in the Universe.  There is a reason that we are on this planet.  But even if I didn't believe that, I would still rather live a long, healthy life full of family, friends, and books than live a meaningless, YOLO existence.



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