Forget about bathrooms. Forget about LGBT and all that. What we are dealing with now is a plague of self-identification, as evident by the number of memes satirizing the concept. We're taking the whole "I think, therefore, I am" thing to places Descartes never imagined. To say that we're bordering on the absurd is an understatement. We've crossed the border. We're officially residents in the land of absurdity!
Allow me to offer an illustration. There are laws in basically every political subdivision of this country against impersonating a police officer. If I can simply identify as whatever I please, why is that the case? Can't I simply self-identify as a police officer? I dare you to try. You'll find your rear end parked in a jail cell so fast you're eyes will spin. Why? Because reality. Because we live in a world where natural laws are constant and things that are true are really true. Two plus two equals to and so on and so forth. If you haven't proven yourself qualified to be a cop, and if you haven't been sworn in as a cop, you are not a cop. It is an objective reality. Again, try performing surgery in your garage and see how long that lasts. You can't just call yourself a doctor. You actually have to have studied and proven that you are qualified to be a medical doctor. It is a great irony that our government requires standards and licensing (many times unnecessarily) for so many different professions, yet allows (encourages is a better word) self-identification in the realm of gender.
Why has this issue blown up so much? We all know it's because the liberals want to be viewed as progressive and LGBT friendly, and the LGBT movement is ideologically unwilling to stop at tolerance. No, they want to cram their ideals down our throats. At the end of the day your gender is no more fluid than whether you are a police officer or a medical doctor. This goes beyond gender though. This goes beyond sexuality and the state of our legal system. This is a national crisis of truth. This political climate in which we find ourselves is a natural outworking of the "truth is relative" teaching that several generations have now received in the government education system. Don't think that this has been accidental. It has been an intentional degradation of our Christian moral heritage. John Dewey, widely considered the father of progressive education, hated Christianity, particularly the distinction that it made between "sheep and goats." The educational system he helped to establish in our country has done a pretty good job of relativizing not only morality, but truth itself. You can choose your gender in the same way that you can choose what you want to believe. It's all relative. If it's true for you, then that's fine. I'll have my truth and you have yours. You can choose your religion, sexuality, and now your gender. There's no higher authority or standard by which to determine if your truth is true.
So, we can argue till we're blue in the face about gay marriage, bathroom use, and other political issues, but don't expect it to be successful. Those engaged in the debate speak different languages, philosophically speaking. All these incidentals are just symptoms of the ideological unraveling of our nation. Until we return to a place where truth and morality are objective, based not upon the whims of creatures but upon the revelation of man, we'll continue our descent into absurdity.
Allow me to offer an illustration. There are laws in basically every political subdivision of this country against impersonating a police officer. If I can simply identify as whatever I please, why is that the case? Can't I simply self-identify as a police officer? I dare you to try. You'll find your rear end parked in a jail cell so fast you're eyes will spin. Why? Because reality. Because we live in a world where natural laws are constant and things that are true are really true. Two plus two equals to and so on and so forth. If you haven't proven yourself qualified to be a cop, and if you haven't been sworn in as a cop, you are not a cop. It is an objective reality. Again, try performing surgery in your garage and see how long that lasts. You can't just call yourself a doctor. You actually have to have studied and proven that you are qualified to be a medical doctor. It is a great irony that our government requires standards and licensing (many times unnecessarily) for so many different professions, yet allows (encourages is a better word) self-identification in the realm of gender.
Why has this issue blown up so much? We all know it's because the liberals want to be viewed as progressive and LGBT friendly, and the LGBT movement is ideologically unwilling to stop at tolerance. No, they want to cram their ideals down our throats. At the end of the day your gender is no more fluid than whether you are a police officer or a medical doctor. This goes beyond gender though. This goes beyond sexuality and the state of our legal system. This is a national crisis of truth. This political climate in which we find ourselves is a natural outworking of the "truth is relative" teaching that several generations have now received in the government education system. Don't think that this has been accidental. It has been an intentional degradation of our Christian moral heritage. John Dewey, widely considered the father of progressive education, hated Christianity, particularly the distinction that it made between "sheep and goats." The educational system he helped to establish in our country has done a pretty good job of relativizing not only morality, but truth itself. You can choose your gender in the same way that you can choose what you want to believe. It's all relative. If it's true for you, then that's fine. I'll have my truth and you have yours. You can choose your religion, sexuality, and now your gender. There's no higher authority or standard by which to determine if your truth is true.
So, we can argue till we're blue in the face about gay marriage, bathroom use, and other political issues, but don't expect it to be successful. Those engaged in the debate speak different languages, philosophically speaking. All these incidentals are just symptoms of the ideological unraveling of our nation. Until we return to a place where truth and morality are objective, based not upon the whims of creatures but upon the revelation of man, we'll continue our descent into absurdity.
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