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Why I am not Voting for Joe Biden

I recently shared why I am not voting for Donald Trump because, as a conservative who often criticizes the Left, some people might get the impression that I am a Trump supporter.  Lest there is any misinformed individual out there who took my rejection of Trump as an endorsement of Biden, here is why I am not voting for Biden.

My reasoning is simple, really.  

I am a Christian.  

I am a conservative.  

I believe leaders should be honest.  

I believe in freedom and equity for all people.  

I am distrustful of the American aristocracy.

If you agree with those statements, you should not vote for Joe Biden.

Joe Biden, if he stands for anything at all, stands against everything that the historic Christian Church has taught.  He vocally supports abortion and the LGBT agenda, which should be enough to keep any Christian from voting for him.  He is not a Christian, nor is he a friend to the Christian Church.

Joe Biden has embraced the most progressive positions possible.  I am willing to admit that, always the consummate politician, Joe is just saying what he needs to say to get elected, but he has espoused ultra-progressive positions on nearly every issue, from the environment to abortion to economics.

Joe Biden is a liar.  As mentioned above, he will say anything his handlers tell him to say to get elected (sometimes they literally speak it into his earpiece).  Moreover, he has a well-documented history of plagiarism throughout his career.  It is mind-blowing that he has ever been elected to any office given his strained relationship with the truth.   

Joe Biden is a Statist.  If Uncle Joe believes in anyone or anything, it's Uncle Sam. Moreover, he has consistently created oppressive policies that are particularly harmful to minorities.  His campaign has made no attempt to hide his plans to increase regulation and taxes.

Joe Biden and his family are members of American's unofficial aristocracy.  If you were looking for someone who epitomizes the career politician who has spent decades living above the law, Joe is your guy.  He is everything that is wrong with politics.   

I have chosen not to vote for Donald Trump, but I can understand why many Christians feel the need to vote for him.  However, I cannot fathom how a genuine believer could vote for Joe Biden, given his personal history and political positions.


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