If you want to understand the power of propaganda, look no further than the Biden/Harris ticket.
Progressives are calling for change, but Biden & Harris, two career politicians, are the epitome of the status quo. Biden has literally been in politics for 20% of our nation's history.
Progressives are crying for social justice for all races, but Biden has consistently used objectively racist speech and was literally a proponent of segregation during the civil rights era.
Progressives are rallying around the BLM movement, but Biden and Harris both have a history of creating and perpetuating the judicial system that capitalizes on the incarceration of blacks.
Progressives call President Trump a liar, but Biden has a documented history of plagiarism and Harris openly admitted that her statements about Biden during the primary debates were not necessarily factual because, after all, they were made during debates.
Progressives accuse Trump and his family of corruption, but Biden's family grew rich while he was the Vice President and Harris's record in CA is full of corruption.
Propaganda turns the truth on its head. I am not a Trump supporter, but Democrats need to be honest about the candidates they are supporting in this election. If you think that Biden and Harris will bring change, racial justice, and honesty to the White House, you're illustrating the power of the web of propaganda the media continues to spin.
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