My last two posts were explanations of why I am not voting for Trump and Biden. My Libertarian friends most likely agreed whole-heartedly with my criticism of both major candidates, but they may be wondering why I won't be voting for a third-party candidate, like Jo Jorgensen.
Well, this post is going to be the shortest of them all. Why am I not voting for Jo Jorgensen? Why can't I vote for Jo Jorgensen?
That's it. That's the only reason.
Many of my fellow Christian with Libertarian leanings can probably identify with me here. Abortion is the reason so many people continue to vote for Republican candidates instead of the Libertarian alternatives.
Libertarians run on a platform of unabated freedom. You want to do drugs? That's your right. You want to be a racist business owner who doesn't hire certain kinds of people? That's you're prerogative. You want to own nuclear weapons? By George, this is America! Go ahead and get that nuke!
So far, so good. I agree that the government should not be involved with any of these issues. My preference would be a society where God's Word is consciously used as the basis for our laws, but, short of that, a Libertarian society seems like the next best option. Freedom means having the right to be a jerk and do stupid things. Freedom means having the right to live in a way that other people don't understand or like. Freedom means it's not the government's job to protect me from myself.
But, abortion is not like those other issues. Abortion is not a matter of personal preference. Abortion is not a victimless crime. Abortion has a victim, and, therefore, demands government involvement. Abortion is the willful taking of another person's life, and protecting life is one of the few responsibilities the government actually has.
To her credit, Jo Jorgensen wants to end government funding for abortion, but that's not good enough. Civil governments are called, both by God and by social contract with their constituents, to protect the innocent. Who is more innocent (legally speaking) than the unborn? Who needs protection more than the unborn child in the womb?
This is why government support, even funding, for abortion is such a travesty. Instead of protecting the innocent, helpless members of our society, our government calls infanticide a human right. Woe unto those who call evil good.
So, no, I can't vote for a candidate who refuses to protect the innocent members of our society. This is a fundamental part of what it means to be a leader, particularly in the civil realm. I know I'm not alone here--the Libertarian party will never gain the traction necessary to field a viable candidate until they draw a hard line on abortion.
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