I should never have been born. As I drive by a country knick-knack store named Gloria Jean's, I dwell upon this solemn fact: I should never have been born, at least not accordingly to the wisdom of this world. You see, my mother had seven children, which is by itself to some a remarkable fact. After six children the doctor told her not to get pregnant again. She ignored him. The doctor told her to abort this seventh child. She promptly found a new doctor. Having had six C-sections already, on December 13th, 1989, she had her seventh and final. Any sane women would've stopped at six or fewer, and, frankly, I don't know if I could blame them. 99 out of 100, no, 999,999 out of 1,000,000, women would have stopped. My mother eschewed worldly wisdom and had one more. My mother may not have been sane, but she was Godly, and I thank God for that. Not only was I born, as this post should sufficiently prove, but I was blessed to be born ...