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When the Country is Being Run by a Juvenile...

So, Donald Trump is tweeting again.  This time Trump has taken a shot at North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, whose comments regarding age Trump apparently didn't take too kindly.  As I predicted before Trump won the election, his administration is entertaining, if nothing else.  Someone should probably find a way to take his account from him, but, until that happens, let's just enjoy the madness.

Seriously though, this might be the most juvenile behavior ever by a world leader, and there have been a ton of world leaders who were literally juveniles.  What a time to be alive!  The President of the United States of America is name-calling foreign heads of state (well, technically one, but you get the point)!  We may not be what we once were, but America is still supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world, right?  And this is the type of guy we have "running" our country?  I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted out a "cracking open a cold one with the boys" video.

To call it sophomoric would be a compliment.  I've seen more class at a Golden Corral.

Now, if Trump were to take Jong-Un to task for his crimes against humanity, that would be one thing.  Calling him out for oppressing his people and brainwashing them with shameless propaganda would be venerable.  Even calling him a fascist, narcissistic tyrant would acceptable--warranted, even--but, no, Donald Trump is potshotting him about his personal appearance.  That's pretty petty.

But Trump was responding to Jong-Un's insults!

Yeah, and Trump responded like a ten-year-old boy in grade school.  You can almost imagine Trump holding his hands to his ears, wagging his tongue, and saying "Na na na na boo boo" while shooting out the tweet.

Donald Trump is a caricature of himself.  He has taken immaturity in office to impressive new lows.  Say what you will about Obama, but he managed to be personable while maintaining an air of stateliness.  He may have infamously bowed to some Saudi Arabian dude, but at least he never tweeted childish insults at his international peers.  Maybe Obama's discretion was what got Trump elected.  I think many Americans wanted a belligerent, caustic personality in office.  Half the country was sick of the uppity, politically-correct two-party system and saw Trump's antics as a refreshing shot of reality.  To be fair, Trump is unabashed.  He says/tweets what he thinks, but, then again, so does my two-year-old does.  My two-year-old is awful entertaining, but I wouldn't necessarily let her make decisions for our household.  America was so in hate with the disingenuous Democrats that we fell in love with the first guy that came along and spoke his mind.  We were like a teenage girl whose cheating boyfriend sent her into the arms of the town drunk.

You get what you vote for.  We did this.  Republicans, Democrats, everyone...we have no one to blame but ourselves.  Donald Trump is what happens when partisan politics go awry.  It's hard to say if Trump is a genius or a moron, but he is our president.  If we are ashamed of him, then we deserve to be.


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