Have you ever watched The Voice ? It's okay, for what it is. Occasionally they find a vocalist or two who could really make it on the radio, but they mostly find amateur musicians who haven't made it for a reason. It is a family show (sort of), but it's still surprising how open to spirituality, even Christianity, it is. Spirituality is mentioned with some regularity, even to the point that classic hymns have been sung by contestants. This openness reflects a general attitude of tolerance and positivity, as they also do their best to include at least one audition by a homosexual each season. This open platform has led an inordinate number of worship pastors/worship leaders to audition on the show. If I remember correctly, there were at least three who auditioned this season, a couple of them making it onto the show, and one making it to the live shows. It seems that every season there are at least a couple of worship pastors auditioning in an...