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Showing posts from November, 2016

Truth Seeking?

It's very "in" to question everything.  In fact, people take great pride in refusing to accept at face value what their parents, teachers, and religious leaders tell them.  Now, there is definitely something admirable in this.  Standing for truth in a sea of lies is difficult and respectable.  Having the intellectual honesty to believe what you believe despite what you wish to believe is rare.  There is a point, however, at which we must all confess our own limitations.  No one has all the information. We are finite creatures with finite minds with which to process the finite information we do have.  At some point we must come face-to-face with this finitude.  Sometimes the truth is beyond an individual's ability to grasp it and there's nothing immoral or shameful in admitting that. Such modesty is not nearly as popular as this "question everything" attitude.  Much of the time the underlying issue is really just pride.  People see them...

No, Trump's Election is Not the Triumph of Evil over Good...

Boy, has it been a week!  If you involve yourself in the world of Facebook or other social media outlets, you have been unable to escape the onslaught of liberal whining and conservative retorting. They're is no shortage of ignorance on either side, I assure you.  Democrats have particularly been lamenting what they think this means for our country, sometimes reaching levels that could rightfully classified as hysteric and depressed.  They're saying that hate has triumphed over love and bigotry over inclusion.  Evil, they assert, has triumphed over good. Is that really what happened here?  Did a bunch of racists choose Trump because they're racists and he's a racist and they all want racism institutionalized in America again?  Maybe they're homophobic?  Now, there are probably a few rednecks out there that voted that way, but that's not what cost Hillary Clinton the election.  Here's what really happened: The mediocre triumphed over the inesti...

What Donald Trump's Victory Means for and about America

So, Donald Trump won the election.  Like, holy crap, man!  Though I refused to vote for him, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy that he won.  Hillary officially conceded, so that means it's time to look towards the future.  What are the implications of Donald Trump's victory?  Let's take a look at a few of them. First of all, Donald Trump will be our president.  Let that soak in for a minute.  Breathe.  Don't scream.  Process.  Process.  What?  Yeah, Donald Trump is the President Elect of the United States of America.  That's crazy. Secondly, Melania will be our first lady.  This, alongside Donald's election, signals the end of an era in America.  We're officially post post post modern, or whatever we're on these days.  Think about this: you can go and see lewd photos on the internet of our next First Lady (don't do it, you perv!). Gone are the days of propriety.  Politicians have long suffered f...

Why I'm Voting for Jim Harbaugh

Voting.  Some people do it religiously.  Some people make fun of the people who do it religiously. Some of us have no faith in the system but vote just for the heck of it.  So, yes, I intend to vote, but, no, I will not be voting for any of the names on the ballot, Republican, Democrat, or Third-Party.  I am voting for Jim Harbaugh. "Who is Jim Harbaugh?" you might ask.  Well, Jim Harbaugh is the head coach of the Michigan Wolverines.  He has them currently ranked #3 in the CFP standings and sitting at 9-0, just three wins away from their first B1G championship game.  Go Blue!  Now, you might say that that doesn't necessarily qualify a person for a position of civil authority, and you'd be 100% right.  So let me go ahead and explain my thought process on why I am voting for Jim Harbaugh. 1) I have always liked to go against the grain.  I'm sort of a prick sometimes, I guess.  Mainly I just like to have fun and, you see, voting f...

The 2016 Election and the God of Mammon

    But if we don't vote for Trump, our economy is going to fall apart?  Does that sound familiar, friends?  Yes, it does, and that's because it is the resounding chorus of fear that has been emanating from middle class Americans afraid of losing their lifestyles.  Now, to be clear, I don't necessarily want our economy to fall apart, nor do I think it's wrong to pray that God would prosper our nation through Godly leadership.  I am not prepared, however, to compromise my principles to secure my financial freedom.  It's the same sort of logic I use when, say, choosing not to be a thief or a drug-dealing pimp--it's wrong to get money in immoral ways.  Voting for a man like Trump (who is basically a drug-dealing pimp/thief) because it makes economic sense is certainly not as egregious as pimpin' hoes or knocking off banks, but the same principle comes into play.  Is it okay to compromise our principles for the sake of financial stability/advance...

Will Hillary Finally Get Her Comeuppance?

    Newsflash--Hillary Clinton is a corrupt Washington politician!  Wait...we already knew that.  This week's revelation of serendipitous emails being uncovered has yet to tell us anything new.  None of these emails, if we're being perfectly honest, has told us anything that wasn't already suspected by honest people in the know.  This latest trove has simply made it more difficult for people to cover the Clinton tracks any longer.  The question is, then, whether or not it is finally enough.  Have her skeletons finally caught up to her?  Has she tempted fate too long?  Has technology finally trumped the corrupt politician?     So I ask, Will Hillary finally get her comeuppance?  Will the manipulative elitist finally come back down to Earth?  Will the Clintons finally be forced to play by the rules?  Will Hillary Clinton finally pay the type of penalty we plebeians would pay if we had committed her crimes?  ...