Originally written on 12/09/17. Like yesterday I recall That Christmas day, That thief, That cheat, That day that stole you from me, From us. Yesterday I tried To imagine how life Would be If you had never been sick, I couldn't do it, Come to think, I never really knew that kind of life, Such a simple life, So uncomplicated by Blood clots and Coumadin and Extended hospital stays, All I know for certain is that I would be different And people would get along differently If you were still here. Yesterday It struck me What this year means, 28-years-old, 14 before, 14 after, Motherless for exactly Half my life, A milestone Marked by tears, A journey Marked by tattoos and Turmoil and Bad decisions and Opportunities for growth. What a strange way to end a poem, So confusing and open-ended, But that's just how this works.