What we’re witnessing with the labor shortage right now, particularly in the fast food industry, is the free market attempting to work. Employers are doing whatever they can to compete for the few people currently looking for work, offering $13+/hr for menial labor and even advertising sign-up bonuses. They cannot, however, compete against Uncle Sam, who is paying people not to work and doing so by inflating the dollars of hardworking Americans. As prices go up and the repercussions of shutting down our economy set in, the lower classes will almost certainly blame evil capitalists, but it will have been, as usual, the fault of crafty politicians who bought votes by devaluing our currency and interrupting the job market.
If you have interacted with me on social media, you know that I have always been outspoken on the issue of Paedocommunion . It is a theological position and a liturgical practice about which I am passionate. Having been raised, and having raised my children, at the Table, I cannot imagine attending a church that didn't allow PC. I hope that when I am old and gray, I will still be an advocate for bringing little children to the Sacrament. Throughout the 12 years that I have had this blog, I have written scattered thoughts on the topic, but it appears that I have never written a concise summary of my reasons for affirming PC. I was thoroughly convinced that I had, but I can't seem to locate it, so I guess I never did. So, to rectify the omission, here are four reasons I hold to PC. 1) Paedocommunion is Biblical. Any discussion of the topic should start here, and I would hope that both sides of the debate would make this assertion. However, l...
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