Our family recently enjoyed a vacation to Myrtle Beach. We've been to the beach before, but the atmosphere is definitely unique in Myrtle. As busy and hectic as it was, we had a fun and relaxing time.
As I suspect is the case for most people, I always find the beach to inspire reflection and introspection, so here are a few observations from our trip to Myrtle Beach.
1) There's nothing so humbling as the ocean.
2) Human beings, especially Americans, are vain, and cell phones facilitate that vanity. Never in my life have I seen so many people in one place who think they are models.
3) Few, if any, phenomena on this planet have the ability to unite such disparate people groups--rich and poor, black and white, young and old--as the beach.
4) There are so many Baptist churches in the South. I know it's stereotypical, but, holy Moses, there are so many Baptist churches in the South!
5) Nothing clears your sinuses quite like salt water.
6) The ocean is the absolute worst place in the world to be a) blind without your glasses and b) unable to wear contacts.
7) How are people not constantly dying of dehydration in the South? That humidity is horrifying!
8) The beach is an amazing place to take family pictures. Also, trying to take family pictures at the beach is like herding cats.
9) Having a DVD player in your van makes long trips with four kids infinitely more bearable, particularly when traffic is backed up and you're doing 20 MPH in the mountains of VA.
10) If you can deny your Maker while staring out over the endless waters of the ocean at sunset, you have a blindness that is worse than physical.
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