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Showing posts from October, 2020

Why I am not Voting for Jo Jorgensen

My last two posts were explanations of why I am not voting for Trump and Biden .  My Libertarian friends most likely agreed whole-heartedly with my criticism of both major candidates, but they may be wondering why I won't be voting for a third-party candidate, like Jo Jorgensen.   Well, this post is going to be the shortest of them all.  Why am I not voting for Jo Jorgensen?  Why can't I vote for Jo Jorgensen? Abortion . That's it.  That's the only reason. Many of my fellow Christian with Libertarian leanings can probably identify with me here.  Abortion is the reason so many people continue to vote for Republican candidates instead of the Libertarian alternatives. Libertarians run on a platform of unabated freedom.  You want to do drugs?  That's your right.  You want to be a racist business owner who doesn't hire certain kinds of people?  That's you're prerogative.  You want to own nuclear weapons?  By George, this is America!  Go ahead and get that n

Why I am not Voting for Joe Biden

I recently shared why I am not voting for Donald Trump because, as a conservative who often criticizes the Left, some people might get the impression that I am a Trump supporter.  Lest there is any misinformed individual out there who took my rejection of Trump as an endorsement of Biden, here is why I am not voting for Biden. My reasoning is simple, really.   I am a Christian.   I am a conservative.   I believe leaders should be honest.   I believe in freedom and equity for all people.   I am distrustful of the American aristocracy. If you agree with those statements, you should not vote for Joe Biden. Joe Biden, if he stands for anything at all, stands against everything that the historic Christian Church has taught.  He vocally supports abortion and the LGBT agenda, which should be enough to keep any Christian from voting for him.  He is not a Christian, nor is he a friend to the Christian Church. Joe Biden has embraced the most progressive positions possible.  I am willing to admi

Why I am not Voting for Donald Trump

Well, I filled my mail-in ballot in a couple of nights ago.  My cat subsequently knocked a cup of water over onto it (one of her favorite activities is knocking over the half-full cups of water my children leave about the house), but it dried out and I'm ready to send it in.  As has been the case since I was first eligible to vote back in '08, I have chosen not to vote for either major candidate.  Knowing that voting for a third party candidate is pointless, I choose instead to write in silly candidates as a form of protest against our binary political system.  Over the years I have written in such names as Tim Tebow, Jim Harbaugh, and now, Phil Collins.  I hope whoever counts my vote gets a chuckle.   I will say, I was this close *imagine my thumb and index finger really close together* to voting to reelect our current president.  Four years ago I was firmly in the "never Trump" camp, but this time around I was genuinely tempted to vote for him.  Why didn't I?  W

This Elusive Selflessness: A Poem

Hours spent, Memories made, Blood, sweat, and tears Invested in their hearts, Dreams redefined, Priorities realigned By the smiles  On their faces, A lifetime spent Chasing this Metamorphosis, This elusive selflessness, I may not be perfect, But at least they know They are loved.

Biden/Harris & The Power of Propaganda

If you want to understand the power of propaganda, look no further than the Biden/Harris ticket. Progressives are calling for change, but Biden & Harris, two career politicians, are the epitome of the status quo.  Biden has literally been in politics for 20% of our nation's history.     Progressives are crying for social justice for all races, but Biden has consistently used objectively racist speech and was literally a proponent of segregation during the civil rights era. Progressives are rallying around the BLM movement, but Biden and Harris both have a history of creating and perpetuating the judicial system that capitalizes on the incarceration of blacks. Progressives call President Trump a liar, but Biden has a documented history of plagiarism and Harris openly admitted that her statements about Biden during the primary debates were not necessarily factual because, after all, they were made during debates. Progressives accuse Trump and his family of corruption, but Biden&#

Nepotism & America's Unofficial Aristocracy

Why have so many Americans supported a belligerent, caustic personality like Donald Trump?  Why are Evangelicals and other conservatives so eager to reelect a man with such questionable character and such a checkered past?  Why do they prefer him, and vocally so, to the alternative offered by the Democrats? Much like the situation back in 2016, this election is clarifying many voters' primary grievance--Americans are sick of the status quo.  And what is that status quo?  Our hidden aristocracy . Perhaps hidden is the wrong word.  Maybe unofficial is a better word for it.   This nation was founded upon the idea that all men are created equal.  Our revolutionary forefathers rejected the monarchy and the aristocratic society that surrounded it, eliminating class distinctions in their new land of opportunity and promise.  No longer would a person's last name be enough to grant him office or opportunity.  No longer would a House of Lords exert influence on public policy.  No longe