My last two posts were explanations of why I am not voting for Trump and Biden . My Libertarian friends most likely agreed whole-heartedly with my criticism of both major candidates, but they may be wondering why I won't be voting for a third-party candidate, like Jo Jorgensen. Well, this post is going to be the shortest of them all. Why am I not voting for Jo Jorgensen? Why can't I vote for Jo Jorgensen? Abortion . That's it. That's the only reason. Many of my fellow Christian with Libertarian leanings can probably identify with me here. Abortion is the reason so many people continue to vote for Republican candidates instead of the Libertarian alternatives. Libertarians run on a platform of unabated freedom. You want to do drugs? That's your right. You want to be a racist business owner who doesn't hire certain kinds of people? That's you're prerogative. You want to own nuclear weapons? By George, this is A...