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Showing posts from November, 2017

Sexual Assault and the Entertainment Industry

Numerous allegations of sexual misconduct perpetrated by members of the music and movie industries continue to pour in as women (and men) have been emboldened to speak up against their aggressors.  From A-list actors to music moguls to film producers (politicians have certainly been in the cross-hairs, as well, but I'd like to focus on the entertainment industry) it seems no one is immune to the shock-wave caused by America's newfound empowerment of victims.  This social conscience, while long overdue, is admirable, if not hypocritical.  Now, of course, we should always remember that allegations are not evidence, but the responses given by many of these stars fall short of actually denying the allegations, which leads us little choice but to believe the victims.  Even those who have denied such wrongdoing are often less than convincing, given the number of allegations and the history of "rumors" within the entertainment community.  It seems Hollywood is bearing witnes

Adolescence and Marrying Young

Recent allegations against Roy Moore have proved to be polarizing in multiple ways.  Besides the expected politicizing of these reports, another issue has come to the forefront of the discussion--marrying young.  Many Christians, even some of his supporters, were taken aback by his candid response to these accusations.  By his own admission, he dated much younger women back in the day .  Far from a confession, however, this admission was designed to extenuate his relationship choices.  He went on to explain that in the good ol' days back in Alabama dating younger girls was not only a normal practice, but it was actually encouraged.  Young girls were encouraged to find older, established men whom they could marry and with whom they could start a family.  Upon hearing his response, many found this concept a bit to high on the creepiness scale, especially given Moore's current age, but is it really that creepy?  It does not appeal to our modern sensibilities, but it is inappropr

When the Country is Being Run by a Juvenile...

So, Donald Trump is tweeting again.  This time Trump has taken a shot at North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, whose comments regarding age Trump apparently didn't take too kindly.  As I predicted before Trump won the election, his administration is entertaining, if nothing else.  Someone should probably find a way to take his account from him, but, until that happens, let's just enjoy the madness. Seriously though, this might be the most juvenile behavior ever by a world leader, and there have been a ton of world leaders who were literally juveniles.  What a time to be alive!  The President of the United States of America is name-calling foreign heads of state (well, technically one, but you get the point)!  We may not be what we once were, but America is still supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world, right?  And this is the type of guy we have "running" our country?  I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted out a "cracking open a cold one with the b

The Transcendence of the New Covenant Sabbath

The Sabbath is one of the most controversial theological issues in Christianity, especially in the Reformed world.  Some Christians believe that the Sabbath, being typical of the person and work of Jesus Christ, has passed.  Others believe that the person and work of Christ altered/enlarged the meaning of the Sabbath and the details of its observance, but that the Sabbath command itself is a Creation Ordinance, and, therefore, is binding until we enter into the eternal Sabbath.  A third group believes that the Lord's Day has replaced the Sabbath, and amongst that group there are many views as to what the implications are for the New Covenant Christian.  A fourth faction, a relative minority, believes that the Jewish Sabbath remains intact and should be celebrated on the seventh day as was done in the Old Covenant. The Sabbath is a subject on which I have experienced considerable growth over the past few years.  I have documented the reasons for my newfound convictions  previously

Vote! Or don't...

It's that time of year again!  It's time for us law-abiding citizens to get to the polls and vote!  Some would call this a privilege, while others would insist that it's a right.  True 'muricans, however, remind you that it is your duty. Voting has rarely been as controversial in the good ol' United States of America as it is today, at least as far as the nature of that controversy goes.  Back in the day people fought over who was allowed to vote.  Was it only the landowners, the ruling class elite?  Should both men and women be allowed to cast their vote into the ballot box?  What about people whose skin is darker than your average Caucasian, and, if so, exactly how much melanin is too much before we assume you're not intellectual enough to vote?  Yeah, that was the kind of stuff we fought over for a long time. Not our proudest moment. Regardless, people wanted to vote and they fought for that right.  We're all about taxation with representation here