My wife and I have had four kids in just under six years, so you could say it's been a busy half decade for our family. Having kids teaches you so much about life, which means that having them quickly gives you a crash course. Sometimes you have to pause and consider the lessons that life has imparted to you on your journey. Here's a few of the things I've learned so far:
1) Raising kids is difficult--way more difficult than you can anticipate while yet childless.
2) Raising kids is expensive, but maybe not as expensive as people make it out to be.
3) Bearing children is difficult on the human body (okay, I learned this one vicariously).
4) Consequently, not every woman can physically bear a dozen children, especially given the modern dearth of nutrition in our food.
5) Parenting while tired can make you say and do things you regret.
6) Gabriel needs a little brother.
7) Having less than seven children does not mean you don't love kids.
8) Having children is one of many ways to build the Kingdom of God.
9) Your children will repeat the things that you say, which is simultaneously encouraging and horrifying.
10) Estrogen is confusing.
11) There is no substitute for time spent with your children.
12) Paranoia is a concomitant of parenting.
13) Parenting will reveal your weaknesses, including, but not limited to, selfishness, impatience, and a lack of control over one's tongue.
14) Consistency is more powerful than a raised voice.
15) The roles of father and mother are complimentary and equally vital to the emotional and spiritual well-being of children, and neither can be neglected without significant repercussions.
16) Siblings' annoyance with each other is directly proportional to their love for one another.
17) Exhausted children do not listen. Period.
18) Consequently, sometimes parents need to do absolutely nothing/veg out in front of the TV for approximately one hour before bed.
19) Genesis is not Galilee is not Grace is not Gabriel, and parenting them requires understanding their unique personalities and needs.
20) There is so, so much more for me to learn (check back with me in a few years and we'll see what else I've learned).
Bonus: Bethany is a wonderful mother, and there's no one else on this planet with whom I would rather raise children!
Great post! Thanks for sharing.