Pop music of the last decade is not particularly known for its excellent songwriting. Still, some of the lyrics that have graced our airwaves are especially appalling and revealing. Take these lyrics from Nickelback's charting hit "Animals." No, we're not gonna quit, Ain't nothing wrong with it, Just acting like we're animals, No, no matter where we go, 'Cause everybody knows, We're just a couple animals. How profound! The depth of meaning is outdone only by the potency of the rhymes. Let's look at a similar song. Take Maroon 5's super original song, "Animals." Baby, I'm preying on you tonight, Hunt you down eat you alive, Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals. This recapitulation of this oft-repeated theme at least features some repetition, which allowed it to become ubiquitous for longer than it deserved to be. "Hungry Like The Wolf" (Maroon 5's "Animals" was...