In the United States we have a polarized political system predicated on hate. Now, this is nothing new, and I'm sure that this is not a malady that is unique to our nation, but this issue has become more pronounced in the Age of the Internet.
Republicans and Democrats, from elected officials to commonplace voters, openly declare that they do not like their own candidate--they simply hate the other candidate.
Consider sitting President, Donald Trump. With few exceptions, his supporters generally do not view him as a man of virtue or truth, but, rather, as a vanguard against the forces of Liberalism, Marxism, religious persecution, etc.
They don't love Trump; they simply hate the alternative to Trump.
The other side of the aisle is even worse.
There are essentially zero human beings on this planet who truly believe that Joe Biden would lead this nation effectively. Rather, his own party views him as a vanilla candidate, the elder statesman who, once in office, would be pliable, liable to manipulation. They are willing to put him into office because they are confident that he would tow the party line, reversing the policies of the erratic Trump, for whom their hate is sometimes literally driving them to riot.
Regardless of where you stand on social and political issues, and no matter what happens in November, I think we can all agree that choosing our leaders based on hatred of the alternative is not a sustainable model. That is, after all, how we arrived to our current position.
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