There is a generation of young Christians who believe that their political and social worldview is informed by the principles of Scripture, particularly by the direct teachings of Jesus Christ, but who have actually imbibed the tenets of Humanistic Marxism taught to them in government schools and leftist colleges.
Conversely, there is an older generation, Boomers, if you will, who believe that they lay claim to the truly Biblical worldview, but who actually hold to the religious politic (or political religion) of American Nationalism.
These views are, of course, not strictly differentiated by generation, but there is nevertheless a large generational divide when discussing political and social issues.
The Biblical perspective aligns perfectly with neither of these ideologies, nor with any other political movement. In fact, devotion to Biblical principles regarding political and social issues does not require adherence to any specific economic, social, or political system devised by mankind.
The Biblical perspective differentiates between morality and legality. It emphasizes personal freedom and responsibility, private property rights, equity and justice for all members of society, and private, voluntary generosity. These principles can be employed in a variety of political and economic systems, and Christian societies have and will look different in different cultures and eras. However, any worldview that dismisses these principles, or which seeks to excuse mankind from our personal responsibilities as creatures of God, members of families, and citizens of local political entities, is unbiblical and must be rejected by anyone who claims the name of Christ.
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