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Uncle Sam Ain't Yer Daddy! Betsy Ross Ain't Yer Momma!

It seems like almost daily I see a meme on Facebook complaining that the American education system is teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic instead of life skills.  As our nation becomes more aware of the broken promises of higher academia, social media is being inundated with a flood of articles promoting a focus on trades and home economics in lieu of Algebra and ancient literature.  Millennials are especially vocal as they remind everyone that their failures are not their fault because they were never taught how to budget, to pay taxes, etc.

Well, guys, I have some news for you.

Uncle Sam ain't yer daddy!  Betsy Ross ain't yer momma!

The government, whether federal, state, or local, does not have the responsibility to teach you life skills.  "School" was not intended to teach you how to live your life, nor was it designed to make you successful.  An "education" is not meant to teach you everything you need to know.  It is meant to equip you with the basic tools you need to have in order to learn--hence, reading, writing, and arithmetic. 

This resentment against our educational philosophy (which, don't get me wrong, is terrible) reveals just how fully committed we are to the ideal of the Nanny State.  We laugh at AOC, but our public education system is evidence that the Progressive spirit is indelibly entrenched in our society.  Conversatives nod their heads to talk radio hosts' warnings about the dangers of Socialism while driving to their local high school football games every Friday night.

We look to the State for our morals.  We ask the government to teach us how to live our lives.  We allow the public education system to shape our minds and to form our worldviews.

This is what happens when parents don't parent.  This is what happens when mothers and fathers are derelict in their duty.  This is what happens when parents are nowhere to be found.

The United States of America in 2019 is the direct result of a society that has allowed Uncle Sam to raise our children.  Boomers complain about Millennials, and Millennials complain about everybody, but we are all reaping the societal chaos that we have sown by abandoning generations of young minds to the hands of liberal ideologues.

You want to know how to budget?  Go ask your dad!

You want to know how to pay taxes?  Go ask your mom!

The only problem is, they're never home.

And they're not together anymore.

And no one taught them any of that stuff either.

This is how societies collapse.

Parents in this nation must once again take seriously their responsibility to raise their children.  We must stop relying on "the village" to teach our children about life.  When we relinquish this role to the State, we suffer, our children suffer, and our society suffers.

And while we're at it...



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