There are a few topics in Christianity that engender more debate than others. These topics flare up tempers and inspire seemingly-endless ingenuity as we seek to understand them better and clarify our positions more precisely. One such topic is the law of God. Some go so far as to say that the Old Testament law holds absolutely no value for the New Testament Christian, while others go to the opposite extreme in believing that the entirety of the law is still binding. In between these two extremes exist a thousand shades of antinomianism and theonomy. It seems that every denomination has a slightly different view of the law of God. I don't want to discuss that today. In fact, I don't know that I could really commit to an exact description of my own view. I think the two extremes are, well, extreme, and many of the views in the middle have good points. It's a complex issue. One thing I do know, however, is that the Law of God, the Old Te...