Evangelical (what does that even really mean anymore?) leaders recently released a declaration regarding sexuality. The Nashville Statement (hereafter NS) is simultaneously concise, thorough, and Biblical. As would be expected, it is causing a bit of a stir in the media and across the Internet, where it is generally being portrayed as the hateful vitriol of outdated homophobes. Here are my initial thoughts on the statement and its subsequent reception. 1) It is sad that it is necessary. You know how pathetic it is that your cup of hot coffee has to have a warning that says that the contents are hot? Yeah, the fact that the NS is necessary is sort of like that. Christians believe that homosexuality is wrong? What?! Christians believe that gender and sex are related? What?! Christians believe sex outside of marriage is wrong? Again, what?! This is all so shocking! Be still, my beating heart! All the p...