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The Pillars of the Church/Part 2: Fellowship

The Pillars of the Church
Part 2: Fellowship
1.      Introduction
a.     The second sermon of a 4-part sermon series on the Church based on Acts 2:42 (read)
b.    Last time
                                                             i.      We saw that these four items formed the basic lifestyle of 1st century Christianity
                                                          ii.      We looked at the importance of Doctrine/Teaching
c.     This time we’re going to look at the importance of Christian fellowship.
d.    Normally we would have a message specifically relating to baptism, but this happened to my turn to preach and it seemed altogether too appropriate.
e.     Prayer
2.      What is fellowship?
a.     Greek word=Koinonia
                                                             i.      This is a difficult word to define/idea to communicate.
                                                          ii.      It is usually rendered communion, fellowship, contribution, or communication. 
                                                       iii.      Strong’s concordance: “Fellowship, the close association between persons, emphasizing what is common between them.”
                                                       iv.      It comes from the word “koinonos,” which means “one who shares; a partner.”  It is our partnership in Christ.
                                                          v.      T. Clickenger: “Koinonia is a relationship of union between God, Jesus, and Christians, all bound together by common purpose, interests, activities, temperament, and experiences.”
                                                       vi.      “Properly, what is shared in common as the basis of fellowship.”
                                                    vii.      We often think of fellowship as sharing meals or worshipping together, but fellowship is less about what you do and more about what binds us together.
                                                 viii.      My definition: “Fellowship (Koinonia) is Christian unity expressed in shared living, worship, love, accountability, and generosity.”
3.      Why should we pursue fellowship?
a.     We are commanded to do so.  Hebrews 10:24-25.  We are commanded to be a part of each others’ lives.
b.    We are brothers in Christ.  Colossians 1:1-2
c.     We are collectively the body of Christ and have been designed to complement each other.  1 Corinthians 12:11-12.
d.    We are called to hold each other accountable.  Galatians 6:1-2.  Dan Grubbs: “A Christian who lives a life away from other Christians will never mature and persevere in faith without fellowship.”
e.     That is how the world sees Christ in us.  John 13:35.  Our relationship to Christ is verified by how we interact with each other.
f.      Christian fellowship is spiritually refreshing.  Psalm 133:1; Hebrews 10:24-25 (already read).  Christian fellowship is like oil and dew.
4.      What happens if we don’t pursue Christian fellowship?
a.     Our fellowship with God suffers.
b.    Our Christianity becomes self-centered.
c.     We become discouraged easily.
d.    We grow comfortable with sin.
e.     We fellowship with carnal company.
5.      How do we pursue Christian fellowship?
a.     Fellowshipping with God.  1 John 1:3.  Dennis Davidson: “All Christian fellowship originates in God.  To have fellowship with God opens the door to fellowship with the brethren.  The right kind of relationship with God sustains and fellowship with others.”
b.    Defining relationships the way Christ did.  Matthew 12:48
c.     Showing generosity and hospitality to the Church.  Galatians 6:10; 1 Peter 4:9.
d.    Sharing meals with other Christians.  For thousands of years eating with another person has been a symbol of peace and unity (hence, the Lord’s Supper).
e.     Socializing with those whom God has placed in our lives—not just on Sunday!
f.      Taking every opportunity to meet and serve new Christians. 
6.      Conclusion
a.     The Bible is clear—Christians need each other.  Felicity needs us.  We need her.
b.    The Bible sees no place for the Lone Ranger Christian.  Voluntary isolation from other Christians is a rejection of God’s plan for the Christian’s life.
c.     If we want to build the Church of Jesus Christ, we must emphasize Christian fellowship/community.
d.    Each and every one of us is spiritually and covenantally united to Christ.  Therefore, we are united to each other.  Accordingly, not only must we get along, but we must pursue fellowship with one another.  We must strive to live out in every day life this reality of our unity with Christ.
e.     My definition (again): “Fellowship (Koinonia) is Christian unity expressed in shared lives, worship, love, accountability, and generosity.”   This is what the Gospel produces.

f.      Christ invested His life into our lives.  We must invest our lives into each other.


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