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The Lesser of Two Evils?

    I was going to post a status on Facebook, but I realized that it would be way too long, so I decided to blog about it.  Here goes my rant.  Today I had a conversation at work with one of my bosses about why I should vote for Mr. Romney.  He didn't like that I said I plan on voting for Ron Paul even if I have to write his name in.  Now, it is not my attempt to discuss the merits of individual candidates.  I have made my choice.  You can make yours.  It is my desire to discuss briefly the peer pressure conservative folks apply to those who wish to vote their consciences and not along party lines.

    My criteria for casting my vote behind a political candidate is based upon a Biblical understanding of the duties and qualifications of a leader.  I do not believe it venerable to cast away principles in lieu of pragmatism. When did it become morally superior to choose a candidate who can win instead of somebody who deserves my vote?  Now, I do not condemn anyone who believes that it is best to vote for a more electable candidate.  I understand your choice despite my aversion to it.  What stymies me is when people actually tell me I'm doing something wrong by choosing not to vote for someone I do not believe will be a good leader?  If you want to choose between the lesser of two evils, go at it, but don't expect me to put my name and reputation behind a candidate that I 1)don't think is good for America, and 2) don't believe fits the Biblical description of leadership.

    My decision not to vote for Romney is based, I believe, on a strong theological belief in the sovereignty of God.  Whatever God has planned for America is coming to her.  This may mean Obama and judgment.  This may mean revival, Ron Paul, and robust growth.  I don't believe that Romney will save America.  America can only be returned to her former glory if she returns to the God who made her glorious.  She was the envy of the world, and the reason is no mystery--she was a largely Christian nation and she was blessed overwhelmingly.  No President is going to save our economics if we continue to spurn the Creator of the Universe.  I do not have to worry about what happens.  I do not have to blame myself if Obama wins.  I will vote for a man I believe is good for America and who has the character necessary to govern effectively.  


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