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Hebrews 13:1-6

Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”
Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.

   This passage is pretty self-explanatory.  These commands are pretty straight-forward, but we'll check it out a little nonetheless. 

    Our author (Paul, Luke, Apollos, Clement?) tells them to let brotherly love continue.  He assumes that brotherly love is already present.  Love of the church should (and must, see 1 John 2) define the Christian.  The Church is to reflect the love of God towards each other and towards the unsaved.

    Our author progresses to show how to love.  Love in the Bible is not what love in Hollywood is.  Love is not a feeling.  Love is not a mystical relationship.  Love is an attittude that we find impossibe to keep bottled up inside.  We just have to show love to each other.  Our author gives us some first-rate ways of demonstrating that love.

    He commands that we show hospitality.  He no doubt references Lot entertaining the angel in Sodom before the subsequent destruction of that city and of Gomorrah.  We are to treat everyone like we would treat angels.  We are to demonstrate the love of God towards others by opening up our warm homes and our full tables.

    Next we are told to remember those in prison.  It's probable that this specifically means those who are suffering for Christ's sake in prison, as was extremely common in that day.  It is common is our own day, though not in our country.  While we may not be able to visit Christians in prison as the Hebrews could, we can support missions that help persecuted Christians in China and other such countries.  We could also be involved with prison ministries in our own land and try to bring the life changing Gospel to criminals.

    Marriage gives perhaps the greatest opportunity to demonstrate the love of God, and our author mentions this next.  We are to be sexually faithful to our mates, primarily, but this command extends to faithfulness and love in general.  The Bible has much to say about marriage, both directly and indirectly.  We are to be faithful, respectful, loving, and deferent to each other.  Additionally, if we find a command about interpersonal relationships in the Bible we can assume it has some application to marriage. 

    If we love money, then God does not have our hearts as He desires--completely and without reserve.  The love of money is a clear symptom of self-worship.  Our hedonistic tendencies are never more clearly displayed than when we are pursuing money.  This command is simple: if you want to be dedicated to God, don't love money.  I did not say not to have money.  There are some rich men who love God with their whole hearts.  Their love of God is manifested in generosity with the gifts God has given them.  Their money did not own them or use them.  They use their money to love God.

    Finally, he tells them to copy holy men.  Our country seems to overemphasize originality, even in Biblical things.  We do not need be original in practice or in doctrine.  We need to listen to preaching and watch preachers' lives.  When the two align consistenly, then we know what we ought to be doing.  Ministers in America are attempting "seeker friendly" strategies instead of faithfulness to God's Word.  This may be partly due to the neglect they have received from the people of the Church.  We need to obey, pray for, watch, support, encourage, and love our ministers.  They are not perfect, but they are called by God.  They have a duty before God for the well-being of the flock.  This is a high calling.  We ought to seek to make their calling easier instead of more difficult.  

    Brotherly love in action--that's what the Church needs.   


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