The world was shocked, though many conservative Christians were unsurprised, by Pope Francis's latest foray into Progressivism. His proclamation, which allows Roman Catholic priests to bless LGBTQ couples, met with equal parts rejoicing and decrying. Regardless of your persuasion, this seems like a significant historical moment, one which is sure to have rippling effects for years to come.
Now, before we go any further, let me clarify one thing: there is a difference between offering a blessing upon a gay couple and solemnizing a gay marriage. This difference is theologically significant, though it ends up being practically less significant than many Roman Catholics would claim. Any time that spiritual leaders allow people to feel comfortable in their sin, they are derelict of their duty and are putting souls in risk of eternal judgement. Whatever a blessing might mean, this feels like the first step towards the inevitable goal of allowing priests to marry gay couples. It should serve as a reminder that culture is everchanging, especially in our modern, technological era, and that those who are afraid to be seen as antiquated have no other choice but to compromise.
In the past I have written in defense of an ecumenical spirit, especially regarding the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). My view of the RCC remains unchanged--I consider it a valid Christian tradition that has fallen into significant theological error. Their continued compromise on social issues serves to strengthen that conviction and to remind the rest of the Christian world, whether Orthodox or Protestant, exactly why we don't have a pope.
I am currently a member of a church in the ACNA, which is, in turn, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. For centuries the Archbishop of Canterbury served as one of the Instruments of Communion that unite disparate Anglican groups throughout the world, but recently traditional Anglicans across the world have been forced to distance themselves formally from Archbishop Welby due to his failure to stand for truth in the face of social pressure. Anglicans value unity, but we value the truth even more. When betrayed by poor leaders, we are forced to choose the truth over unity, or rather, unity in the truth.
This is exactly what Roman Catholics, and others who are in communion with Rome, cannot do. Their theology and ecclesiology won't allow it. Faced with a pope gone astray, they are forced to follow begrudgingly or do rhetorical gymnastics to explain why their Pope's teaching isn't binding. They have come up with some real doozies over the years, none greater than the Ex Cathedra argument. When other Christians are met with obvious error from their spiritual authorities, they choose new leaders and/or create new institutions. As Roman Catholics are forced to watch their Pope slowly lead the RCC towards unorthodoxy, all they can do is multiply excuses, qualifications, and rationalizations in an effort to explain why so many of them disagree with their infallible Pope.
It is no surprise that many Roman Catholics, privately and publicly, are calling for reformation. Despite the authority they have ascribed to the Petrine chair, these dissenters recognize that the RCC is trending away from the historical, Biblical Faith. However, it is difficult for this Anglican to understand how one can call for change while simultaneously maintaining the infallibility of the person they believe is causing many of the issues.
I do respect the desire to maintain institutional unity and to work for change within the existing ecclesiastical structures. Unity is important. I wholeheartedly believe it is incumbent upon all Christians to be part of the one holy catholic Church. Our unity, however, is not based on any one bishop, regardless of how influential he might have historically been, but in Christ, the one true Head of the Church. We must never follow those who would lead us away from Christ, regardless of what office they hold.
I imagine there are many Roman Catholics for whom this will be the last straw. If you are a Roman Catholic who is disenchanted with Rome, but still desires to be a part of a tradition with ancient roots, consider visiting an ACNA church in your area. If you're in NE Ohio, we'd be happy to have you visit St. John's Anglican Church in Canton, OH. Our goal is to proclaim the ancient Faith and worship God in unity with the catholic Church, both universal and historical, but, as Article 37 states, the Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction over us. As all churches and denominations do, we have our problems, but a pope gone astray is not one we'll ever have to face.
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