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A Christian's Duty in the Face of Persecution

It is by now obvious to most that conservative values are resented and considered obsolete by those in control of our society's institutions.  Progressives, despite their pleas for tolerance and unity, have no place for our kind in their panoply of diversity.  It does us no good to be melodramatic or to play the victim, but we must look to the future with an eye to the past.  If history repeats itself, and it appears to be doing so, we may soon be forced to choose between assimilation and persecution

As a Christian who holds the traditional beliefs of the Faith, I understand that history and culture will vacillate around me and that I will be thought a fool by many.  I must remember, however, that the environment in which I live, friendly to or antagonist against my religion, does not change my fundamental duty as a follower of Christ, even if it makes it less comfortable.  As a baptized member of the Church of Jesus Christ, it is my duty to live out my faith regardless of the situation in which I find myself, understanding that the servant will be treated no better than the Master.  If my faith is genuine, I must demonstrate it by bearing my cross, daily laying down my life for the One who lived and died for me, the Incarnate Word of God.

Religious freedom is a blessing, but it is not a prerequisite for living out our faith.  We should employ every legal means to maintain our religious freedoms, but we should not be surprised or discouraged by persecution.  Regardless of how Christianity is received by those around us, all Christians are daily entrenched in a spiritual battle with forces that are trying to destroy our Faith and our souls.  Times may occasionally call for us to wield political, and even physical, weapons, but we are primarily called to fight spiritual foes with spiritual weapons.

If, or perhaps we should say when, we face persecution, we must remember that we are citizens of a Kingdom that transcends temporal eras and geographical boundaries.  Our King has promised to be with us as we expand the borders of His domain, and He has empowered us with His Holy Spirit to wage this spiritual, cosmic war.  Our advances will come not through Presidential elections or Supreme Court decisions, but through exercising love, mercy, and truth.  We will not add to our number by passing laws or besieging Capitols, but by sharing and applying the life-changing, culture-shaking truths of the Gospel.  

So, gird your loins and bear your spiritual armor!  Live out the Christian faith by loving and serving others and striving for personal purity.  Overcome evil with good, knowing that we will be victorious, even in death.   


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