Written in 2016 after the birth of my son.
Remember, my son,
You are your father,
His strengths will gird you up,
His weaknesses must be overcome,
Try your best not to resent,
Nor idolize, him,
Learn from his humanity.
Remember, my son,
You will marry your mother,
Find someone who will love you that much
While supplementing your shortcomings,
Always put her first,
Always kiss her goodnight,
Never let her go.
Remember, my son,
Sometimes you just can't win,
Others will disappoint
And be disappointed by you,
The criticism will confuse you,
And break your heart,
But they still love you.
Remember, my son,
To forge your own path
Without abandoning the truths
Passed down by your fathers,
Pursue your passions,
But use them to serve
Your God and your family.
Remember, my son,
You're imperfect and finite,
You cannot do everything,
Embrace your limitations, but
Determine to overcome them,
Choose a direction and
Give it all of your heart.
Remember, my son,
To practice moderation,
Don't drink or smoke too much,
But don't be afraid to enjoy yourself,
Maturity requires balance,
So control your emotions
Without extinguishing them.
Remember, my son,
To be a man,
Be more than your father ever was,
Teach your son to go further still,
Embrace vulnerability,
Say what needs to be said,
And listen intently.
Remember, my son,
You will die someday,
Probably sooner than you think,
Always bear that in mind,
But never let it keep you from living,
Be honest, be faithful, be sober,
Live for eternity.
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