Dear Governor DeWine,
It has been a few days since your press conference wherein you reinforced your mask mandate, so I've had time to calm down and collect my thoughts. In an effort to maintain brevity, I have distilled my thoughts into these four points.
Firstly, I want to acknowledge that, while I have disagreed with your handling of COVID-19, I do believe that you love the people of Ohio and that you are trying to do your best to guide our great state through this crisis, perceived or real. I believe that you are trying to do what is right, before God and man. I do not envy the position that you, or any other elected official, is in at this time. It is noteworthy that you have restrained yourself from becoming the kind of despot that the citizens of some other states, like New York, California, and Pennsylvania, have been forced to endure. Thank you for being intentional about not forming a police state.
Secondly, I want to take a weight off of your shoulders. It is not your duty to prevent Ohioans from contracting a virus. That's just not your job description. I know that history, and your constituency come next election, will judge you based on the events of 2020, but it is simply not your fault that Ohioans have fallen ill with COVID-19. When you were sworn in as the governor of Ohio, you did not promise to keep every Ohioan alive until the end of your term. You did not swear to prevent a virus that originated in China from crossing the borders of our nation and state. You are our governor. You are not God.
Thirdly, I want to encourage you to remember that you are a public servant of the people of Ohio. You are, for lack of a better term, our employee. We pay you to do a job. Our state, like our nation, has established a representative government, choosing leaders from amongst us to represent our interests. We select one person to act as the administrator of the executive branch of our state government. That is the role to which you have been elected. You know this far better than I do, given your long and respectable history in the legal and political fields, but I know that sometimes bureaucrats need a reminder. Sir, your authority is a derivative authority. The authority to govern this state lies with the people of this state. We have delegated authority to you so that you can effectively perform your job. Simply put, you don't tell us what to do; we tell you what to do. When you violate the rights of the your citizens, collectively or individually, you are stepping outside the bounds of your authority.
Fourthly and finally, I was particularly disappointed by the formation of the "Retail Compliance Unit." There's just something about that word that irks the patriot in me. Compliance is a tyrant's word, and forming a compliance unit to reinforce gubernatorial mandates is a step away from freedom and towards the police state against which you have fought so hard. I hope that you will rethink this move.
I will leave you a promise. I promise to pray for you, both as an elected official and as a brother in Christ. I pray now this prayer For Civil Authorities from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer (2019).
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, send down on those who hold public office, especially Governor Mike DeWine, the spirit of wisdom, charity, and justice; that with steadfast purpose they may faithfully serve in their offices to promote the well-being of all people; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Josiah Spencer
A Concerned Citizen
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