The commands of God found in the Scriptures are often at odds with our personal inclinations. This is to be expected; it is the unfortunate reality of post-lapsarian existence. If you read the Bible and do not find anything insulting to the desires of your flesh, you're reading it incorrectly. For Americans this is perhaps most apparent when we comes to the sections of Scripture that instruct us to submit to our governing authorities. When we read passages like Romans 13:1-7 , Titus 3:1 , or 1 Peter 2:13-17 , we may feel the natural man rising up against the clear command from God to honor and submit to the authorities, whether civil, religious, or familial, that He has placed over us. There is nothing mankind loathes more than submission. Our parents' first sin in the Garden is often identified as pride, but it was rebellion against the sovereign authority of our Creator that truly plunged our race into the darkness of guilt and sin. At the same time, ...