Dear fellow citizens who support the impeachment of our president, Donald Trump,
I'm writing to you today because I think things have gotten out of hand lately. The political landscape in our nation is becoming increasingly more transparent and it's time for self-respecting citizens to engage in some self-reflection. This is all getting a little silly, isn't it?
Before I say anything more, let me be very clear about something. I did not vote for Donald Trump, nor do I intend to vote for Donald Trump in the future, barring some unexpected turn of events. I do think that some of his acts as President have been laudable, but he has done nothing to demonstrate that he is a Godly, respectable man, nor am I naive enough to believe that anyone becomes that rich and powerful in New York without crossing a few ethical lines.
Nevertheless, I have a few problems with this whole impeachment thing you guys have going on.
First of all, I'm pretty sure most of you guys don't even know why he was impeached. You don't see to know how any of this impeachment stuff works, but you hate Trump and you want him out of the White House. I don't think you even know why you hate Trump, but the mainstream media has constructed a narrative and you're apparently unable to rise above it. "Orange man bad!" Moreover, I'm 100% confident that 90% of you guys have no clue what the heck "Quid Pro Quo" even means! I have seen so many people tossing this phrase around as if it automatically ends the impeachment conversation, but I'd be willing to wager that a strong majority of you Internet lawyers out there have no idea what it means.
Secondly, we all know that this is partisan witch hunt, right? Since the day he was elected, Pelosi and her fellow Democrats, to say nothing of their cohorts in the media, have been praying that Trump would do something that they could construe as impeachable. Many of you are probably willing to admit that this has all been an opportunistic act by the House to get rid of him. Comparing Trump's impeachment to Clinton's shows how partisan it was. When the House impeached Clinton, five Democrats joined in with the Republicans. Conversely, numerous Republicans voted against impeachment. 81 Republicans actually voted against one of the charges leveled against the Philanderer in Chief. Not a single Republican, however, voted to impeach Trump, and only three Democrats crossed the aisle.
You guys need to be honest with yourself and admit what's going on here. So you hate Trump and think he's Satan's younger brother? That's fine, but don't kid yourself that somehow this whole Ukraine ordeal is egregious enough to warrant impeachment. It's not. If presidents could be impeached for this sort of thing, just about every president in the history of our nation would've been impeached. You guys remember when Obama was caught telling the Russian President that he would have more flexibility after the election? I guess we should've impeached him, too! This isn't about Ukraine. This isn't about the moral high ground! It's about the hatred for Trump that top Democrats have never tried to hide.
Thirdly, we need to ask ourselves what really lies behind this impeachment effort. The political scandals we hear about have a way of conveniently coinciding with the political scandals about which we may never hear. From what are they trying to deflect our attention this time? Is it Epstein? Is it the continuing revelations of misconduct by Obama's administration? Or maybe it's the recent release of data that confirms that the Afghan war was a sham? The simplest answer is usually the right one, so my guess is that the Ukraine scandal is, in fact, a cover-up for the Ukraine scandal. After all, if this situation looks bad for Trump, it's infinitely worse for top Democrats who have enriched themselves and their families by engaging in precisely the same unethical conduct of which they have accused President Trump.
Quid Pro Quo, eh?
I'm writing to you today because I think things have gotten out of hand lately. The political landscape in our nation is becoming increasingly more transparent and it's time for self-respecting citizens to engage in some self-reflection. This is all getting a little silly, isn't it?
Before I say anything more, let me be very clear about something. I did not vote for Donald Trump, nor do I intend to vote for Donald Trump in the future, barring some unexpected turn of events. I do think that some of his acts as President have been laudable, but he has done nothing to demonstrate that he is a Godly, respectable man, nor am I naive enough to believe that anyone becomes that rich and powerful in New York without crossing a few ethical lines.
Nevertheless, I have a few problems with this whole impeachment thing you guys have going on.
First of all, I'm pretty sure most of you guys don't even know why he was impeached. You don't see to know how any of this impeachment stuff works, but you hate Trump and you want him out of the White House. I don't think you even know why you hate Trump, but the mainstream media has constructed a narrative and you're apparently unable to rise above it. "Orange man bad!" Moreover, I'm 100% confident that 90% of you guys have no clue what the heck "Quid Pro Quo" even means! I have seen so many people tossing this phrase around as if it automatically ends the impeachment conversation, but I'd be willing to wager that a strong majority of you Internet lawyers out there have no idea what it means.
Secondly, we all know that this is partisan witch hunt, right? Since the day he was elected, Pelosi and her fellow Democrats, to say nothing of their cohorts in the media, have been praying that Trump would do something that they could construe as impeachable. Many of you are probably willing to admit that this has all been an opportunistic act by the House to get rid of him. Comparing Trump's impeachment to Clinton's shows how partisan it was. When the House impeached Clinton, five Democrats joined in with the Republicans. Conversely, numerous Republicans voted against impeachment. 81 Republicans actually voted against one of the charges leveled against the Philanderer in Chief. Not a single Republican, however, voted to impeach Trump, and only three Democrats crossed the aisle.
You guys need to be honest with yourself and admit what's going on here. So you hate Trump and think he's Satan's younger brother? That's fine, but don't kid yourself that somehow this whole Ukraine ordeal is egregious enough to warrant impeachment. It's not. If presidents could be impeached for this sort of thing, just about every president in the history of our nation would've been impeached. You guys remember when Obama was caught telling the Russian President that he would have more flexibility after the election? I guess we should've impeached him, too! This isn't about Ukraine. This isn't about the moral high ground! It's about the hatred for Trump that top Democrats have never tried to hide.
Thirdly, we need to ask ourselves what really lies behind this impeachment effort. The political scandals we hear about have a way of conveniently coinciding with the political scandals about which we may never hear. From what are they trying to deflect our attention this time? Is it Epstein? Is it the continuing revelations of misconduct by Obama's administration? Or maybe it's the recent release of data that confirms that the Afghan war was a sham? The simplest answer is usually the right one, so my guess is that the Ukraine scandal is, in fact, a cover-up for the Ukraine scandal. After all, if this situation looks bad for Trump, it's infinitely worse for top Democrats who have enriched themselves and their families by engaging in precisely the same unethical conduct of which they have accused President Trump.
Quid Pro Quo, eh?
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