The day has arrived. Liberals are now advocating for the right to post-birth abortion.
Let me translate that for you, in case you didn't catch it. Liberals think it's okay to kill a baby that has already exited the womb.
This day of infamy, of ignominy, that liberals swore would never come, has come.
We're not talking about political issues or personal preferences here. We're talking about killing real, live babies that have been born into our world. We're talking about real children in the real world being slaughtered instead of protected. We're talking about vibrant heartbeats being ended. We're talking about vulnerable little bodies being maimed and thrown in the garbage. We're talking about red blood being spilt.
You can try to hide it under whatever semantic guise you want, but that's not healthcare--that's murder.
Hippocratic oath, anyone? More like hypocritical.
There is an ineffable darkness in the soul of a medical professional or parent that could participate in such an act, but, really, why are we surprised? After all, abortion has been legal in the United States, the so-called most advanced nation in the world, for decades now. Our supposedly-progressive nation, the land of the free and the home of the brave, has long reveled in barbarism as we have inexplicably labeled infanticide as a human right.
Liberal logic is sound, though murderous. If you can kill the baby shortly before it is born, why can't you kill it shortly after it is born? If a mother has a right to end the life of her unborn child, why can't she end the life of her newborn child. Why does the child's exiting the birthing canal make a difference? If human life is not inherently valuable, why does it matter when you end it? If a woman's happiness and convenience are paramount, who are you to tell her what to do with the fruit of her womb?
When does it end?
This is dark logic. It is sound, but it is backwards. I'll grant you that there is no difference between the child in the womb and the child out of the womb, but that should cause us to protect unborn children more diligently, not kill them more casually.
Science has long proven that children in the womb are living human beings. This "clump of cells" nonsense is utterly ridiculous. Anyone who would suggest that thought in 2019 is an ignoramus. We have long known that we are killing babies, many times viable babies. We don't care.
Liberals just don't care.
Partial-birth and post-birth abortion are the natural next steps.
Behold the consequences of subjective, humanistic morality! Personal fulfillment is our idol, and no sacrifice, not even human sacrifice, is too great a price to pay at its altar!
Meanwhile, standing up for the rights of the unborn is portrayed as intolerant. It is oppressive to insist that mothers extend the opportunity of being born to the living human beings in their wombs. Pro-murdering-babies is called pro-choice, the loving and modern perspective. Anti-murdering-babies is portrayed as backwards and intrusive.
Call me whatever you will, but I think murdering babies is wrong.
I certainly hope this endorsement of infanticide is radical and isolated. I hope these recent events open up the eyes of our nation to see the ruthless, heartless nature of abortion. I hope the average man and woman on the street sees what abortion really is--ending the life of a human child.
I hope. I pray. I doubt.
I have faith in God, but I don't have faith in the American people. Our morality has become increasingly Godless, which means it is increasingly man-centered. Our morality is selfish and subjective. We are hedonists. In a culture marked by that sort of ethic, the weak and vulnerable are the first to suffer.
Let me translate that for you, in case you didn't catch it. Liberals think it's okay to kill a baby that has already exited the womb.
This day of infamy, of ignominy, that liberals swore would never come, has come.
We're not talking about political issues or personal preferences here. We're talking about killing real, live babies that have been born into our world. We're talking about real children in the real world being slaughtered instead of protected. We're talking about vibrant heartbeats being ended. We're talking about vulnerable little bodies being maimed and thrown in the garbage. We're talking about red blood being spilt.
You can try to hide it under whatever semantic guise you want, but that's not healthcare--that's murder.
Hippocratic oath, anyone? More like hypocritical.
There is an ineffable darkness in the soul of a medical professional or parent that could participate in such an act, but, really, why are we surprised? After all, abortion has been legal in the United States, the so-called most advanced nation in the world, for decades now. Our supposedly-progressive nation, the land of the free and the home of the brave, has long reveled in barbarism as we have inexplicably labeled infanticide as a human right.
Liberal logic is sound, though murderous. If you can kill the baby shortly before it is born, why can't you kill it shortly after it is born? If a mother has a right to end the life of her unborn child, why can't she end the life of her newborn child. Why does the child's exiting the birthing canal make a difference? If human life is not inherently valuable, why does it matter when you end it? If a woman's happiness and convenience are paramount, who are you to tell her what to do with the fruit of her womb?
When does it end?
This is dark logic. It is sound, but it is backwards. I'll grant you that there is no difference between the child in the womb and the child out of the womb, but that should cause us to protect unborn children more diligently, not kill them more casually.
Science has long proven that children in the womb are living human beings. This "clump of cells" nonsense is utterly ridiculous. Anyone who would suggest that thought in 2019 is an ignoramus. We have long known that we are killing babies, many times viable babies. We don't care.
Liberals just don't care.
Partial-birth and post-birth abortion are the natural next steps.
Behold the consequences of subjective, humanistic morality! Personal fulfillment is our idol, and no sacrifice, not even human sacrifice, is too great a price to pay at its altar!
Meanwhile, standing up for the rights of the unborn is portrayed as intolerant. It is oppressive to insist that mothers extend the opportunity of being born to the living human beings in their wombs. Pro-murdering-babies is called pro-choice, the loving and modern perspective. Anti-murdering-babies is portrayed as backwards and intrusive.
Call me whatever you will, but I think murdering babies is wrong.
I certainly hope this endorsement of infanticide is radical and isolated. I hope these recent events open up the eyes of our nation to see the ruthless, heartless nature of abortion. I hope the average man and woman on the street sees what abortion really is--ending the life of a human child.
I hope. I pray. I doubt.
I have faith in God, but I don't have faith in the American people. Our morality has become increasingly Godless, which means it is increasingly man-centered. Our morality is selfish and subjective. We are hedonists. In a culture marked by that sort of ethic, the weak and vulnerable are the first to suffer.
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