I've tried to ignore the subject so far, perfectly aware that this is an issue where balance and level-headedness are rare and difficult, but I'm going against my better judgment and giving it a shot. Here are my thoughts on toxic masculinity. Please bear in mind that they are coming from an evangelical Christian perspective. 1) If you think that toxic masculinity (or perverted masculinity or corrupted masculinity...call it what you will) doesn't exist, you're blind or have been very fortunate. 2) If you believe that toxic masculinity exists, but deny that toxic femininity (or toxic feminism) exists, you're blind and a hypocrite. 3) If you equivocate toxic masculinity with masculinity, you're part of the problem, not the solution. 4) If you don't believe that the woman is the weaker vessel, you are not a Bible-believing Christian, nor have you watched the WNBA (I can't blame you for that). 5) If you think that women being the weaker vessel i...