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Showing posts from March, 2015

Psalm 130:5-8

Psalm 130:5-8/Waiting on Yahweh 1.     Last time we saw a.      The author recognized that he had no right to approach God’s presence b.     He had hope of forgiveness because he knew God is merciful c.      Forgiveness leads to a life of service to God 2.     Verses 5-6: Having been forgiven, he waits on God a.      These verses give us two beautiful metaphors b.     Wait                                                              i.       Qavah 1.     Literally, to twist or weave a cord or rope 2.     By extension, to wait or await eagerly and expectantly 3.     The connection is things being bound—we must be bound together with God 4.     Our souls—whole person—must be interwoven with God 5.     This results in strength; reliance 6.     John Piper: “To wait on God means to pause and soberly consider our own inadequacy and the Lord’s all-sufficiency, and to seek counsel and help from the Lord, and to hope in Him…”                                       

Shane's First Day--A Short Story

Shane’s First Day     Shane rubbed his tired eyes and peered at the clock on the nightstand—4:15. It’s too early for anyone to be awake , he thought.   He was starting a new job though, and he couldn’t afford to be late.      He pulled his 38-year-old frame out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom.  He flipped the lights on and moved to the shower.  He placed one leg in the shower.  As he raised his other leg, he lost his balance, his full weight crashing down on the unforgiving laminate floor.  He let out a disoriented moan as he reached for the back of his head.  Good—no blood.  What a way to start a day!  He slowly rose and climbed into the shower, this time carefully grabbing hold of the railing.  He felt the steam open his pores and thin his blood.  He felt good about this day.     Shane sat down at the kitchen table.  His wife placed a hot plate of bacon and eggs in front of him.  “Thanks, sugar,” he said.  He turned the page of his morning paper.  All he really cared about

Titus Sermon Series/ Part 4: The Opposition

Titus 1:10-16: The Opposition I.                   Introduction a.      Last time we saw                                                                       i.       How important it is to choose good elders                                                           ii.       Subsequently, what type of character they must have b.     This time we will see the opposite—the opposition II.                Verse 10: The Circumcision a.      “For”                                                              i.       This is a segue                                                           ii.       Verse 9—Pastors must be able to teach God’s people and to rebuke those who oppose the truth b.     Why?  Because there are many people out there who lead others astray c.      Keep in mind that Paul is here describing both those who are leading others astray, as well as those being led astray d.     What do the false shepherds—wolves—look like?