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Pillars of the Church/Part 3: Breaking of Bread

The Pillars of the Church
Part 3: Breaking of Bread
I.                   Introduction
a.     Last time we looked at the importance of fellowship
                                                             i.      God commands it
                                                          ii.      God uses fellowship as part of sanctification
                                                       iii.      Fellowship is encouraging and refreshing
b.     This time we are going to look at breaking of bread
II.                What is it?
a.     Some commentators interpret this as generic sharing of meals—they ate together—because “breaking of bread” was/is a common idiom for sharing a meal
b.     Most commentators have traditionally identified this as the Lord’s Supper
c.     Part of the confusion might be the way we do the Lord’s Supper because while the ceremonial taking of the bread and wine was always distinct, it was often done in the greater context of a full meal—the love feast
d.     While it is possible that this is merely referring to communal sharing of food, I believe that it is specifically referring to the Lord’s Supper
                                                             i.      The language of “bread breaking” is used in the Gospel accounts of the institution of the Lord’s Supper—Luke 22:19
                                                          ii.      While Luke 2:42 is not referring to things done only in a “worship service,” it is referring to liturgical things
                                                        iii.      The language of “bread breaking” seems to be used in the New Testament to distinguish the Lord’s Day—Acts 20:7
e.     Keep in mind that the reason the Lord’s Supper was instituted is that sharing meals held great significance in that culture.  Why did Jesus choose a meal?  Because sharing food has spiritual symbolism.  The potency of the metaphor of the Lord’s Supper is derived from the universal importance of “breaking bread”
f.      So, all this is to say that “the breaking of bread” is specifically the celebrating of the Lord’s Supper
3.      What is the Lord’s Supper?
b.     GCI
c.     Westminster Longer Catechism
d.     Me: “The Lord’s Supper is the covenant meal, which is comprised of bread and wine ritually taken, and which was given to the Church by Christ as a perpetual commemoration of His sacrifice on the cross.”
4.      A Brief Word on Sacraments
a.     We do not believe in ex opere operato  (from the work worked, or doing it, it is done)
b.     The bread and wine are not physically the flesh and blood of Christ
c.     They are spiritually, or covenantally, the body and blood of Christ
d.     Three views
                                                                i.      Memorialism—the physical act is nothing but a commemoration
                                                             ii.      Sacramentalism–grace is automatically conferred by the physical act
                                                          iii.      Reformed view—the physical act is a means used by God to give us grace
e.     The sacraments are signs and seals
1.    Signs picture for our weak minds that which God has done for us
2.    Seals authenticate the promises made by the signs
f.      WCF 27:1-2
g.     Going through the motions hypocritically will do nothing but condemn you more
h.     This doesn’t mean that we should abstain if our faith is weak or if we don’t fully understand what is happening—the Lord’s Supper is designed to teach and to build our faith  
5.      Why should we devote ourselves to the Lord’s Supper?
a.     Because we are commanded to—1 Corinthians 11:23-25
b.     Because by doing so we are preaching the Gospel—1 Corinthians 11:26
c.     Because it is a means of grace used by God to strengthen our faith—Heidelberg Q&A 75  
d.     Because it unites us to Christ covenantally by faith—John 6:56 and 1 Corinthians 10:16
e.     Because it pictures our unity with each other—1 Corinthians 10:17
f.      Because it is a time of covenantal renewal—Luke 22:20—it is a call to covenantal faithfulness
6.      What happens if we neglect the Lord’s Supper?
a.     We lose out on all the benefits God has given us through it
b.     We misunderstand how the sacraments function
c.     We become imbalanced in the tone of the service—hope vs. conviction
d.     Man—the pastor—becomes the center of the service
e.     We become individualistic
f.      We may even lose the Gospel
7.      How should we partake of the Lord’s Supper?
a.     Regularly
                                                                i.      There is no explicit command
                                                             ii.      Acts 2:42 and other passages give us a pretty good example
                                                          iii.      Any good reason why you wouldn’t do it every Sunday?  Would you preach or sing once a quarter?  Would you pray once a month?
                                                           iv.      Why not more often?
b.     Corporately
                                                                i.      In a context of worship
                                                             ii.      Gathered with the body of Christ
c.     Conscious of our brethren—1 Corinthians 11:29 and 12:27
                                                                i.      Open table
                                                             ii.      Children
                                                          iii.      The meal that pictures our unity must not exclude any member of the covenant
d.     Solemnly and yet joyfully
e.     In faith
8.      Conclusion
a.     God has given us this meal as a gift
b.     This bread and wine picture the only path of salvation
c.     This is why we gather—we are united by Christ’s death
d.     If you believe, take part in Christ
e.     If you don’t believe, see and believe…and then come and take part in Christ


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