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To Judge or Not to be the Judge....

    An issue that is hot in the Christian world is "To judge or not to judge?"  Jesus specifically said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged," right?  He did in fact say that (or something approximate), but what did He mean?  Did He mean that you are not to make a moral judgment in your own mind regarding another person's behavior?  Did He mean that we ought to accept any and all behavior?  Was He telling us that we should never, ever, absolutely never ever tell anyone else that what they are doing is forbidden by Scripture?  Should the elders of the Church wink at sin? 

    I don't think so.  If we balance Scripture against Scripture, other passages make it clear that Jesus meant none of those things.  Passages such as Matthew 18 and Galatians 6 suggest that Christian "iron sharpening iron" is not only permissible, but commendable.  The key is that we must do so humbly, with correct motives, and only so far as Scripture is explicit.  

    Without going into all the different passages on the subject, allow me to offer an illustration that I think would be helpful.  This point of view might show you how things are supposed to work in the body.  As with most issues, the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.

    Think of your fellow brethren of fellow employees, or perhaps, as fellow siblings (quite a Biblical analogy).  You have no authority to tell your coworkers or siblings what to do, unless your superior has delegated some authority to you.  You have no right to establish rules for them.  You have no right to punish them when they don't abide by those rules.  This is how the Bible views co-Christians.  "Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls," says Paul in Romans 14:4. 

    That being said, if you were to see your brother breaking a rule of which he may or may not be ignorant, what would you do?  If your priorities were the well-being of your brother and the pleasure of your parents, what would you do?  You would certainly inform your brother of the error of his way.  You would seek to save your brother from punishment and your parents from disappointment and stress. 

    If you saw your coworker doing something that was against company policy, what should you do?  You, being a more informed employee, should seek to guide him and inform him of the infraction.  Perhaps he will listen, but perhaps he may not. 

    Brothers, sisters, and coworkers have to answer to God ultimately, but that doesn't mean that we aren't supposed to help them fulfill their duties.  It is the same with your fellow Christians.  They must ultimately answer to God, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do what you can to help them on their journey.  A wise man heeds correction.  A fool rejects anyone who disagrees with him. 

    Remember, your motives, your methods, and your attitudes must all being correct.  You must make sure to get the log out of your own eye first.  You must also have Biblical ground.  You may not impose your deductions and "safety fences" on your brethren. 

    Loving, united interaction of the body welcomes reproof and mutual edification.  We should all be open to giving and receiving reproof.  Sinful attitudes get in the way.  Pride is the biggest culprit.  As we mature as Christians, however, and as we draw closer to God and to each other, the Holy Spirit will work unity in the body. 


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