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Romans 2:25/The Nature of the Sign

"For circumcision indeed is of value if you obey the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision.

    This verse from Romans helps us to understand the nature of the covenant signs in the Bible--circumcision and baptism--as well as the sacramental meals.  There are two extremes to which people gravitate when it comes to signs in the Bible.  Some downplay them, ignore them, and neglect them.  This is usually a reaction to the other extreme.  On the other side of the spectrum are those who idolize the signs.  They invest saving power into the signs that God never intended the signs to carry.  

    Signs are exactly that--signs.  Their very nature is to point to something greater.  Too often we look at baptism and we think that the very act of placing water on a person (or dunking them, if that floats your boat) mystically does something.  Some people believe it removes sin.  Some believe that it unites you to Christ, and therefore has a part in saving you.  There are many different interpretations, but they all miss the mark because they miss the point.

    Covenantal signs point to the author of the covenant.  Circumcision and baptism have different particular symbolism, but they also have great continuity and similarities.  Romans 2 makes it very clear that circumcision (and therefore baptism) does absolutely nothing to save a person.  The signs are not mystical.  They are relational, as Doug Wilson points out.  The sign points to the Person who has extended the covenant to us.  As long as we are faithful to the covenant (in the New Covenant, faithfulness is by true, saving faith), we can claim the blessings of the covenant.  If we cease to be faithful, the sign will only condemn us further.

    The signs are not worthless and negligible, however.  Those who overreact to baptismal regeneration and transubstantiation are also wrong.  Paul declares that circumcision did have value if they were faithful to the covenant.  The signs serve to encourage us, to challenge us, and to sanctify us as we use them properly.  They are the gracious gifts of God to a species that is prone to forgetting.  He has given us tangible ways to remember the covenant, and that certainly has worth.

    The sign without the reality is worthless.  The reality without the sign is lacking.  The reality with the sign is optimal.     


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