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Showing posts from August, 2023

Well Dressed (a poem)

Originally published on 8/30/13. Is this me?  Or is this An attempt at achieving potential? The room for growth is nothing Short of exponential. I'm seeking to establish an Identity and personality, One crafted by idealism, But based in reality. I may look like I'm doing fine, But it's a mirage, at best, Remember, even wounds Can be well dressed.

5 Thoughts on Issue 1

I have been mostly trying to avoid thinking or posting about politics lately.  Let's just say I was really jaded by the vitriol and propaganda from both sides during the COVID years.  However, a special election in August with only one issue on the ballot was enough to peak my interest, so I've been doing my due diligence and mulling over Issue 1.  Here are 5 thoughts on Issue 1. Firstly, my initial reaction when reading the actual language of the proposed amendment was Meh .  As voracious as both sides have been, this issue is hardly as black and white as they're making it to be.  I am leaning a certain way, but I can see the validity to both sides of the debate. Secondly, the fact that Progressives really, really want me to vote No makes we want to vote Yes .  I generally avoid defining myself by what I oppose, but occasionally the most convincing argument in favor of a proposition is the people who are threatened by it.  In fact, before I knew anything at all about Issu