It's never easy to lose a loved one. Whether he is young or old, terminally ill or in the prime of his life, there is always pain. There is always a void. That being granted, one of the most underappreciated gifts is the opportunity to say goodbye. I never had the opportunity to say goodbye to Mom. Not really. I was at the theater watching The Return of the King the night she choked and had to be resuscitated. She was never conscious again. She lay in that hospital bed as we wondered about the future. The machines kept her blood circulating and we gave her permission to find her rest. We may have said our goodbyes, but I don't think she heard them. If she heard them, she couldn't reply. We never dreamt we would lose our father as suddenly, indeed, more suddenly, than we had our mother. Mom had been sick most of my childhood. Dad had always been relatively healthy. Mom had suffered a stroke--not her first--about a year before sh...