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Showing posts from May, 2022

Democrats, the Common Man, & the Price of Gas

Let's get some things out of the way.  Firstly, I was never a Trump guy.  I didn't vote for him either time, primarily due to ethical concerns.  Secondly, gas was artificially low towards the end of Trump's tenure because of the shutdown.  Too few conservatives remember or acknowledge that.  Thirdly, Trump sent out the first stimulus, much to his chagrin (I think).  Politically speaking, he had absolutely no choice. Nevertheless, we must give credit where it is due.  One thing Donald Trump had going for him was that he honestly cared about America's working man.  I know, I know...that's political sloganeering from time immemorial, but Trump's background, demeanor, and actions certainly appeared to demonstrate a genuine pride in America and concern for her citizens. That is more than can be said of Biden. One more thing to get out of the way.  When I say Biden , I'm really referring to his handlers--those people (whoever they may be) who are actually running

Mass Shootings: Root & Branch

Whenever a mass shooting occurs, especially at a school, two questions go through my head: 1) What kind of prescription medication was the shooter taking? 2) What kind of family life did the shooter have? It seems like the majority of time I can answer these questions without bothering to read the coverage. Firearms are, fundamentally speaking, tools.  Tools do their masters' bidding, enabling those who wield them effectively to accomplish their goals or ends more efficiently.  These goals can be productive (building houses, preparing food, etc.) or destructive (theft, murder, etc.).  Throughout history firearms have been used for many productive purposes, especially hunting and self-defense (individually and nationally). This concept is not difficult to understand.  We all recognize it in our daily lives.  Many medicines and supplements are poisons if taken in excessive dosages, many household products can be deadly if not used carefully, many machines in factories can lead to inj

Ocean (a poem)

Originally written on 5/19/15. Your love is an ocean, Washing over me In never-ending waves, Potent, yet serene. Your love is an anchor, Keeping me secure Through the whirlwinds of life, Established and sure.

A Life Well-Lived

Modern culture, fixated on the ideals of self-actualization and personal happiness, tells us that a life of sacrifice, of living for others, is a life wasted.  Noble it may be, but self-denial is ultimately misguided.  Rather, self-gratification and self-realization, these are the greatest goods towards which the modern man, naturalistic and nihilistic, can strive. Our Lord Jesus imparted precisely the opposite mindset.  Pick up your cross and follow me , He instructed.  Greater love has no man , He said, than to lay down his life for his friends.  No, it is not in self-assertion or self-seeking, but in sacrifice and service to others, that we will find true fulfillment.  To find meaning, joy, and purpose we must prioritize the needs of others.  To find happiness we must spurn it.  Paradoxically, true self-advancement comes through deference.  To live we must die. I'll leave you with the words of St. Paul from Phil 2. So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from lov

On Abortion

I have written about abortion several times before (most recently here ), but the potential overturning of RvW would seem to warrant a fresh word on the subject.   Abortion is, simply put, heinous.  If the common methods of abortion were employed in the execution of capital criminals, human rights organizations would be up in arms.  Modernists have a particularly casual way of couching cold-blooded infanticide in confusing medical terminology and political slogans. The act of abortion is absolutely horrifying, but uglier still may be what abortion reveals about the hearts of men.  The Internet has been a dark place in the wake of this leak as pro-abortion liberals have shown their true colors.  When abortion was being debated 50 years ago, our medical and technological capabilities were significantly different.  While this certainly does not excuse the horrors our nation has perpetrated upon the unborn, it does explain the common notion that a fetus is in some sense subhuman, a blob,