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Showing posts from August, 2021

The Hardest Part of Moving On

The time has come To say Goodbye To a part of life, To a part of me, The time has come To close the door, To burn the bridge, To start anew. But the hardest part Of moving on Is letting go. Sometimes I wonder Where I'd be If I'd had the courage To cut the cord, Sometimes I wish I could go back But who would I be Without these tears. But the hardest part Of moving on Is letting go. We'll never know What could've been In another world, In another life. Yes, the hardest part Of moving on Is letting go.

Binary Choices, the Medical Community, & the Internet

Despite what Uncle Sam, Facebook, and CNN would like you to believe, life does not always present you with binary choices.  You do not have to be a Democrat or a Republican.  Defunding the police is not the only alternative to blindly supporting their every act.  Every American does not have to choose between being a White Supremacist or a proponent of CRT.  Whenever the talking heads present us with a binary choice, a classic coercive strategy, we must remember that there is a third way. This is, perhaps, nowhere more apparent today than in how we view the medical community.  Support the medical establishment, we are told, or reject modern medicine wholesale.  Mask up and get the jab, they say, or you're a science-denier.  Those are the options with which we are presented, but mindless self-reliance and mindless reliance upon the experts are not the only two choices we have.  There is a third way, namely, one that does not include being mindless. On the one hand, it is prudent to

Observations from Myrtle Beach

Our family recently enjoyed a vacation to Myrtle Beach.  We've been to the beach before, but the atmosphere is definitely unique in Myrtle.  As busy and hectic as it was, we had a fun and relaxing time. As I suspect is the case for most people, I always find the beach to inspire reflection and introspection, so h ere are a few observations from our trip to Myrtle Beach. 1) There's nothing so humbling as the ocean. 2) Human beings, especially Americans, are vain, and cell phones facilitate that vanity.  Never in my life have I seen so many people in one place who think they are models. 3) Few, if any, phenomena on this planet have the ability to unite such disparate people groups--rich and poor, black and white, young and old--as the beach. 4) There are so many Baptist churches in the South.  I know it's stereotypical, but, holy Moses, there are so many Baptist churches in the South! 5) Nothing clears your sinuses quite like salt water. 6) The ocean is the absolute worst pla