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Showing posts from May, 2021

Economics & Compassion

Economics is a complex subject that has been hotly debated for centuries.  These debates often devolve into passionate, illogical rhetoric, which should be unsurprising when we consider that economics concerns not merely theoretical numbers on pages, but the lives of actual human beings. Conservatives are often criticized, and many times rightly so, for their dispassionate approach to economics, but Liberals must remember that poor economic policies, regardless of the motives that lie behind them, produce devastating results in the real world.  Emotional policy making, divorced from common sense economic principles, almost always harms the vulnerable classes it intends to help, no matter how zealous the policy makers and their supporters may be. Whether we are concerned citizens on social media or public servants on Capitol Hill, we must avoid both extremes.  We should never approach economics heartlessly, as if it were merely an intellectual exercise, but it is important to remember t

Uncle Sam & the Labor Shortage

What we’re witnessing with the labor shortage right now, particularly in the fast food industry, is the free market attempting to work.  Employers are doing whatever they can to compete for the few people currently looking for work, offering $13+/hr for menial labor and even advertising sign-up bonuses.  They cannot, however, compete against Uncle Sam, who is paying people not to work and doing so by inflating the dollars of hardworking Americans.  As prices go up and the repercussions of shutting down our economy set in, the lower classes will almost certainly blame evil capitalists, but it will have been, as usual, the fault of crafty politicians who bought votes by devaluing our currency and interrupting the job market.

A Poem for Mother's Day

From sun-up To sun-down You're selfless, You're serving Your children, Your Savior. What a woman! What a mother! What a blessing it is To share this life with you! From skinned knees To stung hearts, Your soft touch, Your sweet words, Are healing And soothing. What a woman! What a mother! What a blessing it is To share these kids with you! You are The heart of our home, You are  The glue that keeps it together, You are  Everything I could never be For them. What a woman! What a mother! What a blessing it is To share this home with you!

Light Bulbs & Loved Ones Lost

You never know. You just never know. You never know when this  phone call might be the last one you have with your loved one. You never know when that text will be the last one you send to your best friend.   You never know when a mindless , careless word will be the last you utter to a person who means so much to you. Life doesn't always afford us the opportunity to make peace, to say goodbye, to say the words we've always been too afraid to say. As I scrolled through my text threads yesterday, and I stumbled across the last text conversation I had with my father.   We were discussing light bulbs. All the bulbs in the lighting fixture in our kitchen had burned out and he had told me that he had extra that I could have.  They are the long, skinny kind, (the kind you normally see in an industrial building or an office), so he sent me pictures of them to make sure they were the kind I needed.  One of the pictures was taken by my step-mom and shows him holding up the bulbs so I