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Showing posts from January, 2021

Five Principles for Cultural Warfare

When soldiers reach the battlefield, their success, or lack thereof, is primarily a result of their training.  There are many other factors, but their training determines their mindset and skillset.  This principle holds true for those who are engaged in cultural warfare, as well.  We cannot hope to be victorious in our cultural war if we are not properly prepared for battle.  Here are five fundamental principles for cultural warfare: 1) Recognize that you are in a war.   The first step to engaging in warfare is recognizing that you are, in fact, engaged in warfare.  Refusing to accept reality does not change it, no matter what your community college professor tells you.  Make no mistake about it--there is a battle raging for the heart, soul, and mind of our culture.  There are diametrically opposed worldviews jockeying for predominance, and they will not, they cannot, coexist.  There are many ways to divide and define these warring factions: Conservative vs. Woke, Traditional vs. Po

The Rift (a poem)

I can feel the rift Beginning to form. Life moves on,  They say, People grow apart And move away, Siblings become  Strangers, As we all get lost In our own worlds. Missions and  Spouses and Mistakes made. I can feel the rift Beginning to form. This wasn't supposed to happen to us, Our memories and Adversities Were supposed to hold us together. Popcorn and licorice, Euchre games and Swimming pools. I can feel the rift Beginning to form. No matter what, We always had each other, But now I know That won't always be the case. Hospitals and Weddings and Too many tattoos. I can feel the rift Beginning to form. Life has a way of tearing families apart, Time has a way of stealing everyone you love.

Two Kinds of Cynicism

I am neither a Republican or a Democrat.  I'm not really even a Libertarian.   I am a cynic . As a cynic, I assume the worst about government institutions and the politicians that run them.  I assume that the vast majority of politicians are corrupt, and that the percentage of corrupt politicians is directly proportional to the level of government to which they have risen. As a cynic, I assume that government agencies are the worst possible solution to any given societal problem.  This assumption is based not only on the aforementioned corruption inherent in institutions run by the powerful elite, but also because government agencies are inevitably inefficient.  When Uncle Sam gets involved, quality goes down and cost goes up, almost without fail. As a cynic, I assume that the vast majority of people will continue to accept the narrative propagated by big government, big tech, big media, big pharma, etc.  I assume that most people are sheep who will be sooner slaughtered than convi

Dear Momma (a poem)

Written in January of 2015. Dear Momma, I've got a few things I need to say: I miss you and I love you, And I'm sorry that I took you for granted, I was too young to understand How deeply I would feel your absence. Hey Momma, Sometimes I wonder: What would you think about The course I've chosen? Would you be mad that I got Your name tattooed on my back? What would you be like If you were still here? What would I be like If you were still here? Hey Momma, One thing I wish I could see Is you with your grandchildren, And I'm sad I never really got to know you, Not truly; not in your prime. Hey Momma, I miss you and I love you, And, oh, Tell Jesus Hi for me.

A Christian's Duty in the Face of Persecution

It is by now obvious to most that conservative values are resented and considered obsolete by those in control of our society's institutions.  Progressives, despite their pleas for tolerance and unity, have no place for our kind in their panoply of diversity.  It does us no good to be melodramatic or to play the victim, but we must look to the future with an eye to the past.  If history repeats itself, and it appears to be doing so, we may soon be forced to choose between assimilation and persecution .  As a Christian who holds the traditional beliefs of the Faith, I understand that history and culture will vacillate around me and that I will be thought a fool by many.  I must remember, however, that the environment in which I live, friendly to or antagonist against my religion, does not change my fundamental duty as a follower of Christ, even if it makes it less comfortable.  As a baptized member of the Church of Jesus Christ, it is my duty to live out my faith regardless of th

Election Fraud and Violent Revolution

The question was never if election fraud was committed (there is always some level of fraud that occurs), but whether or not it arose to a level that compromised the integrity of our electoral system.  As a cynic raised by a cynic, I have absolutely no faith in the electoral process in the nation anymore, but apparently the Supreme Court determined that there was not even enough evidence to give Trump's campaign their day in court.  I'm sure it will go down as one of the great conspiracy theories in the political history of our nation. Zealous Trump supporters are having a difficult time accepting defeat at the hands of a Biden campaign that featured two of the least electable candidates ever proffered by the Democratic party, and I think many Democrats and Independents misunderstand why.  Trump fans cannot accept electoral defeat, not simply because they are infatuated with Trump and/or are equally fearful of the alternative, but because they cannot fathom a world in which th