When soldiers reach the battlefield, their success, or lack thereof, is primarily a result of their training. There are many other factors, but their training determines their mindset and skillset. This principle holds true for those who are engaged in cultural warfare, as well. We cannot hope to be victorious in our cultural war if we are not properly prepared for battle. Here are five fundamental principles for cultural warfare: 1) Recognize that you are in a war. The first step to engaging in warfare is recognizing that you are, in fact, engaged in warfare. Refusing to accept reality does not change it, no matter what your community college professor tells you. Make no mistake about it--there is a battle raging for the heart, soul, and mind of our culture. There are diametrically opposed worldviews jockeying for predominance, and they will not, they cannot, coexist. There are many ways to divide and define these warring faction...