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Showing posts from December, 2019

Some Thoughts on the West Freeway Church Shooting

Our nation was rocked again this week by another senseless  shooting , this time at the West Freeway Church of Christ in Texas.  It seems that Churches, and other houses of worship, are a new favorite target for gunmen, who, one would imagine, identify them as vulnerable targets because churches, like schools, provide the opportunity for maximum damage with minimal resistance.  This story, of course, ended a little differently. I genuinely tried not to write about this story, but doing is so is the only way I can stop fixating on it.  Here are my thoughts on this event. 1) Obviously, it could've been much worse.   It's not very often that a "mass shooting" ends within few seconds of beginning (we don't hear about them on the news anyway).  As far from comforting as it may be, the people in that building, and across the U.S., should be thankful that the carnage was limited. 2) We need to stop twisting tragedies for political purposes.   This is not a victory

An Open Letter to Proponents of Impeaching Donald Trump

Dear fellow citizens who support the impeachment of our president, Donald Trump, I'm writing to you today because I think things have gotten out of hand lately.  The political landscape in our nation is becoming increasingly more transparent and it's time for self-respecting citizens to engage in some self-reflection.  This is all getting a little silly, isn't it? Before I say anything more, let me be very clear about something.  I did not vote for Donald Trump, nor do I intend to vote for Donald Trump in the future, barring some unexpected turn of events.  I do think that some of his acts as President have been laudable, but he has done nothing to demonstrate that he is a Godly, respectable man, nor am I naive enough to believe that anyone becomes that rich and powerful in New York without crossing a few ethical lines. Nevertheless, I have a few problems with this whole impeachment thing you guys have going on. First of all, I'm pretty sure most of you guys don

Hubert and Celery: A Short Story

Exactly 14 Years Ago "Hubert!" "Huuuuubeeeeerrrrrt!  It's time for dinner!" The backyard offered no reply.  Hubert's mother stormed through the screen door, a cloud of frustration in her wake. "Hubert!  What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm petting Celery," Hubert responded without lifting his gaze. "Celery?" On Hubert's lap lay a kitten.  His coat was dark like midnight; his eyes glistened like emeralds.  She could hear Celery's purr, serene yet vigorous, from several feet away.  Her heart melted. "Where did you find that?" "I think he found me," Hubert replied.  "I was just sitting underneath this tree and he climbed onto my lap.  Can we keep him?" His mother was conflicted.  Hubert obviously had a strong affinity for this cat, and after the recent loss of his father, a feline companion might be just what the nine-year-old boy needed.  On the other hand, the added ex