Balance, my brothers. Balance. I find that most theological or ethical conundrums are solvable if we find the balance between extremes. The modern social landscape is pervaded by subjectivism and emotionalism. "Only God can judge me!" we cry. "Don't judge me!" we insist. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking has infiltrated the Church and can be heard from pulpits around the world. Pastors no longer make definitive declarations of right and wrong, nor are they allowed to say anything negative. They're not supposed to tell people how to live their lives. To speak of sin is taboo. Christian brethren are no longer willing to exhort or to be exhorted. "Different strokes for different folks!" rules the day. This is, undoubtedly, an unbiblical mindset. The idea that true love ignores behavior that is perilous to a brother's soul is patently false. Christians, as the body of Christ and coworkers in the G...