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Showing posts from June, 2019

Cultural War and the Purity of the Church

Abortion. The sexual revolution. The advancement of the LGBT agenda. The subjectivity of morality. Open hostility to Christianity and the Bible. Despite what some people may tell you, these things are not new.  They are not novel.  These ideas and attitudes have existed throughout history in many different parts of the world.  The historical novelty is a nation acknowledging the true God and conforming their laws to His.  Again, despite what you've been told, this was largely the condition of our country at the time of its inception.  It is certain that there were many ideals and beliefs that formed the foundation of this melting pot we call the United States of America, but it is undeniable that a large contribution was made by Christianity and its values.  We were, in many ways, a Christian nation, or, at least, a nation of Christians. This is why we got complacent. It was easy to be a Christian.  It was normal to be a Christian and even abnormal not to be a Christi

Taylor Swift and the Passive Aggression of the LGBTQ Movement

So...Taylor Swift released a new song.  Entitled " You Need to Calm Down ," it is an anthem befitting our postmodern age.  It celebrates the liberty, no, the superiority of the LGBTQ (I refuse to add any more letters to that acronym) community, condescendingly telling "conservatives" that they need to calm down.  The most controversial lyric, and sure to be the favorite of LGBTQ proponents, is, "And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate, Cause shade never made anybody less gay." Now, let me begin by saying that I have traditionally enjoyed T-Swift's music.  She and I are birthday twins (we were born the same exact day, 12/13/89), so I feel like I have an excuse.  I wasn't a huge fan of her pure country music, but I began to enjoy her music as she ventured more into the pop realm.  Though I was disappointed in the sensual nature of a few of the songs on her most recent album, I still appreciated a majority of the album.  She

A Permit?

A permit?  A permit?  Really?  A permit? Doesn't that sound sort of totalitarian to anyone else? I work in an industry in which we interact often with our local and state health departments.  Several of the major services that we provide require us to get a permit from the local health department.  The local officials are occasionally genuine, but they are almost always condescending and almost never have respect for private property as such. In the United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, a homeowner is required to get a permit  before doing almost anything to his property.  Some localities are worse than others, but they are all required by state and federal authorities to restrict the citizens' freedoms in meaningful ways. How did we get here?  How did we get to the point where we allow government officials to require us to let them permit us to drill a well or build a house? How did "Give me or liberty or give me death!"