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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Remnant: Compromise and the Body of Christ

Liberalism. Sexual immorality. Hypocrisy. Worldliness. Unbelief. Apostasy. Compromise. These crises are not novel, even among the communion of the saints.  The study of Church history--the honest study, at least--reveals many sordid chapters in the story of Christ's body.  The Church has always been imperfect.  She has always been a work in progress.  She has always had her ups and downs, her steps forwards and back, her moments of shame, or perhaps, her shamelessness. What does this mean to the Christian?  Why should this motivate the Christian to study Church history?  Well, this reality should actually be encouraging.  As we witness the continual decline of the theological and moral standards of the Church, this checkered past should remind us that we have not passed a point of no return.  The sexual revolution has not conquered the Church.   God has not abandoned His plan for His elect.  Technology and Science, the twin deities of humanism, have not rendered fai

Guilty by Association?

You know what's annoying? People. People and the Internet. Mostly people on the the Internet. We are all crisis-mongers anymore.  It's like we're happy to see a mass murder or a botched abortion,  as if the horrors we purport to oppose bring us a twisted sort of glee. We're all capitalists--we're quick to capitalize on a crisis!  Like ferocious felines we crouch, ready to pounce, always eager to exploit pain and tears. School shooting--20 dead! The virtue signaling and political maneuvering pervade social media for about three days.  After that we forget and go back to watching Game of Thrones and eating bonbons (what, I ask, is a bonbon?). We decry Donald Trump because CNN showed us a smug kid wearing a MAGA hat (but, surprise, surprise...there was more to the story). We attack blacks, gays, and liberals because some black, gay, liberal actor staged a hate crime. We denounce Antivaxxers because some kids in New York got the measles (Heaven forbi