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Showing posts from March, 2019

Should the Government Fund the Special Olympics?

No. That's my short answer. Now for my long answer. The most recent political weapon aimed across the aisle in Washington (that's all it really is, after all--another way to perpetuate the binary party system we've created here in the U.S.) is the Special Olympics .  At first Trump's administration was going to cut funding for the beloved sporting event, but then Trump came through for virtue-signalers everywhere by overriding the decision and assuring that funding would continue.  Democrats had a field day, of course, with the funding cut, despite the fact that they support the "right" to abort children in the womb who have special needs. Trump's reassurance led to widespread jubilation as warm-blooded folks from both red and blue states united in celebration of the humanity of his decision, but it seems no one has stopped to ask a simple question.  Why, my friends, does the federal government of the United States fund the Special Olympics in the

Demolished Church Buildings are the Seed of the Church

The Church of Jesus Christ is under attack!  From Kenya to Nigeria to  China , the enemies of Jesus Christ are aggressively persecuting His people.  The mainstream media, while highlighting terror perpetrated against Muslims , has largely failed to publicize the systematic persecution of Christians throughout the world.  While American Christians like to think of themselves as persecuted, we haven't yet experienced anything approaching this level of hostility.  We are certainly not as popular or influential as in past centuries, but we have not yet shed our blood for our faith. Recently emerging in the news is the story of a large church building being  destroyed in China by the Chine government.  Something about this story feels symbolic.  Not only is the Chinese government trying to regulate and physically intimidate the Church out of existence, but it's literally destroying the buildings where Christians gather.  Nor is this by any means an isolated event.  Churches ar

Public Education in a Pluralistic Society

Education has been in the news, or at least in the memes, of late.  Some have expressed disgust at New Jersey requiring schools to teach LGBT history, while Trump's support for teaching the Bible in schools has received varied responses.  It seems the liberals are getting more liberal, while the conservatives are trying to maintain some semblance of conservatism, which, by contrast, makes them look that much more conservative.  Our ideologies are becoming more extreme, or at least the Internet makes it seem that way. Lines are being drawn, and nowhere is more apparent than in academia.  Education has been, is becoming, and will continue to be a premier ideological battleground as each group seeks to impress its worldview on the youth of this nation.  After all, children are impressionable.  Children are malleable.  Children are sponges whose ability to absorb information and habits put adults to shame. It is impossible to deny the significance of teaching children when they are