No. That's my short answer. Now for my long answer. The most recent political weapon aimed across the aisle in Washington (that's all it really is, after all--another way to perpetuate the binary party system we've created here in the U.S.) is the Special Olympics . At first Trump's administration was going to cut funding for the beloved sporting event, but then Trump came through for virtue-signalers everywhere by overriding the decision and assuring that funding would continue. Democrats had a field day, of course, with the funding cut, despite the fact that they support the "right" to abort children in the womb who have special needs. Trump's reassurance led to widespread jubilation as warm-blooded folks from both red and blue states united in celebration of the humanity of his decision, but it seems no one has stopped to ask a simple question. Why, my friends, does the federal government of the United States fund the Special Olympics in the...