For the past week or two I have been digesting the summary of the Green New Deal published (and then pulled back ) by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The GND is basically the New Deal (as if that was a success the first time around!) injected with steroids and bathed in envirofriendly psychobabble. It's crazy. It's, like, literally insane. Listing all the reasons why is beyond the scope of this post, so I'll just let you read it here . I wanted to post the summary released by AOC, but I can no longer find it online. Her summary was so far left that even her party was afraid to be associated with it. It basically distilled all the most shocking concepts of the GND into bite-size, honest little nuggets. You can find several assessments of it on various websites. After consideration, here are my observations about AOC and the Green New Deal. First of all, it is clear that AOC believes that nothing good can be done if the government...